Guerrilla networks in Russia. LFR described the principles of their work
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Guerrilla networks in Russia. LFR described the principles of their work

Source:  Channel 24

As of today, thousands of partisans are operating on the territory of the aggressor country of Russia. Their number is constantly growing. This was told by the deputy commander of the Legion "Freedom of Russia" with the call sign "Caesar".

Points of attention

  • In Russia, thousands of partisans carry out sabotage operations.
  • The resistance structure of the Legion "Freedom of Russia" is the most numerous and effective in the aggressor country.
  • Independent partisan networks also actively function on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Partisan movement in Russia is gaining momentum

According to "Caesar", as of today, the most numerous and effective resistance structure is the "Freedom of Russia" legion.

In addition, independent partisan networks are also actively operating on the territory of the aggressor country.

The deputy commander of the Legion "Freedom of Russia" draws attention to the fact that there are also Russians who are not partisans, but cooperate with Russian volunteer forces fighting on the side of Ukraine.

As "Caesar" notes, among them are representatives of the Russian security apparatus and the administrative corps. In general, we are talking about thousands of partisans in the Russian Federation.

There are independent partisan networks, there is a resistance structure of the "Freedom of Russia" legion — the most numerous and effective. There are people who are not part of the partisans, but actively cooperate with us, provide our intelligence forces with important information about the enemy's administration, its military infrastructure, and the movement of its military units, — says "Caesar".

What is important to understand is that the number of partisans is constantly growing.

In addition, they arrange more and more powerful sabotage and inflict truly colossal losses on the Putin regime.

The LFR named one of its main goals

As "Caesar" stated in an interview with Online.UA, the key task of the Legion "Freedom of Russia" is not to wait for Putin's death, but to destroy the dictator's regime in order to protect Ukraine and liberate Russia.

He also voiced his version of why the illegitimate president of the Russian Federation, who the LSR sees as the future of Russia and the victory of Ukraine, went crazy.

According to "Caesar", the Legion's goals are not only military — after the complete withdrawal of Russian troops from the entire territory of Ukraine, they plan to bring Russian war criminals to justice and overthrow the Putin regime.

We carry literally different values. We want to bring freedom to the peoples of Russia, to make it so that the Russian people and, let's say, representatives of other peoples of Russia, all of them are masters of their land.



Deputy commander of the Legion "Freedom of Russia"

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