Israel has attacked Rafah, going against Biden and Macron
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Israel has attacked Rafah, going against Biden and Macron

Source:  Reuters

On the night of May 9, the IDF shelled the city of Rafah in the Gaza Strip, despite demands from the US and France not to do so.

Israel attacked the city of Rafah

As journalists managed to find out, the final stage of indirect negotiations in Cairo on the cessation of hostilities in Gaza has ended.

Official Tel Aviv decided to continue its operation in Rafah and other parts of Gaza as planned.

If necessary we will scratch the victory with our nails. But we have much more than our fingernails, said the country's leader, Benjamin Netanyahu.

It is also worth noting that Palestinian militants from the Hamas and Islamic Jihad groups, which are based in Gaza, do not hide the fact that they fired rockets and mortars at Israeli tanks concentrated on the eastern outskirts of the city.

According to the local population of Rafah, at least three people were killed and several others injured in the eastern quarter of Brazil recently as a result of an IDF attack near a mosque.

Biden and Macron demand an end to attacks on Rafah

Recently, US President Joe Biden warned that he plans to ban the supply of bombs and other weapons to Israel if Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu orders a large-scale invasion of the city of Rafah.

I made it clear that if they entered Rafah... we would not supply the weapons they used against the cities.

Joe Biden

Joe Biden

President of the USA

French President Emmanuel Macron made a similar call.

He called on Netanyahu to continue negotiations with Hamas in order to save civilian lives.

The fate of Palestinians in Gaza can no longer depend on the terrorist activities of Hamas, and Israeli operations must stop, the Macron administration said in a statement.

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