Kuleba debunks propaganda about Putin's readiness to "freeze" his war against Ukraine
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Kuleba debunks propaganda about Putin's readiness to "freeze" his war against Ukraine

Dmytro Kuleba

Russia is spreading anonymous claims that illegitimate Russian President Vladimir Putin is ready to freeze the war in order to disrupt the Peace Summit.

Kuleba revealed the essence of Russian fakes about the "freezing" of the war in Ukraine

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Dmytro Kuleba, emphasised the falsity of Russian reports about dictator Putin's readiness to "freeze" the war in Ukraine.

He announced this on the X social network.

Why are Russian "sources" suddenly telling the media that Putin is ready to stop the war on the current contact line? Everything is very simple. Putin is desperately trying to derail the Swiss Peace Summit. He is afraid of its success.

Dmytro Kuleba

Dmytro Kuleba

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine

According to Kuleba, Putin's entourage is sending these false signals about the alleged readiness for a ceasefire, despite the fact that Russian forces continue to brutally attack Ukraine.

Currently, Putin has no desire to stop the aggression. Only the principled and united voice of the world majority can make it choose peace, not war. This is what the Peace Summit aims to achieve. That is why he is so afraid of it.

Kuleba emphasised that in this connection it is so important that as many leaders as possible from all continents and parts of the world are present at this summit.

When the whole world speaks out in support of restoring the full force of the UN Charter and international law, Russia will be forced to make a choice in favor of peace.

Peace summit in Switzerland: what is known

In the second half of June, Switzerland will host the first Global Peace Summit, which was initiated by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. It will be attended by those countries that are looking for ways to resolve the war in Ukraine and end it. At the same time, Russia was not invited to the event.

Ukraine expects that more than 100 countries will participate in the Peace Summit in Switzerland, which will be a powerful signal of support for the country's independence and territorial integrity.

It is very important to send a signal that world leaders can really solve such difficult issues as ending the war and finding a just peace without the participation of Russia, added OP head Andriy Yermak.

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