Kuleba discusses supply of air defence systems, missiles and drones with French Foreign Minister
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Kuleba discusses supply of air defence systems, missiles and drones with French Foreign Minister

Dmytro Kuleba

Minister of Foreign Affairs Dmytro Kuleba met with his French counterpart Stephane Sejourne. He arrived on a visit to Kyiv on 13 January.

What Kuleba discussed with the head of the Foreign Ministry of France

Minister of Foreign Affairs Dmytro Kuleba said that the first visit of the newly appointed head of the French Foreign Ministry, Stephane Sejourne, to Kyiv is "proof of the important place of Ukraine in the priorities of French policy".

It is important that Stephane Sejourne made his first visit to Ukraine literally on the second day after his appointment. As far as I know, this is the first time in the history of French diplomacy after the Second World War that its head pays his first visit to Ukraine, and this is also evidence of the important place of Ukraine in the priorities of French policy," the Ukrainian minister said.

The Ukrainian Foreign Minister added that he had discussed with Sejourne the calendar of international events for January-June this year. According to him, "concrete steps on Ukraine's path to EU membership should take place during this period.

I am pleased that these issues fully coincide with the views of my French colleague (Stephane Sejourne — ed.). And we agreed that France will support not only Ukraine's integration into the EU, but also concrete steps on this path," Kuleba said.

Kuleba discussed the supply of weapons with his French colleague

According to the Ukrainian Foreign Minister, the parties discussed "further supplies of systems and missiles to protect Ukrainian skies, as well as the supply of drones to Ukraine". Paris and Kyiv also touched upon bilateral defence cooperation.

"Today we have agreed that we will work to create the most favourable conditions for our defence companies, primarily in the legal sphere, so that the legal and financial conditions of interaction between them are as favourable as possible, and they can produce as many weapons as possible," Kuleba added.

Other topics discussed by Kuleba and Sejourne included the issue of frozen Russian assets and the creation of a special tribunal for the crime of Russian aggression.

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