Large-scale fire broke out in Moscow — video
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Large-scale fire broke out in Moscow — video


A large-scale fire broke out in a two thousand square metre warehouse in Moscow. A helicopter was used to extinguish the fire.

What is known about the fire in Moscow

The fire occurred in the east of the aggressor country's capital in Novogireyevo district, Martenivska Street, where the building is located, was blocked due to a strong fire.

Russian firefighters say that extinguishing a fire at a warehouse in Moscow is complicated by the "high fire load of the building".

It is noted that there are containers with flammable liquid inside.

120 firefighters are trying to put out the fire, 40 pieces of equipment and a Ka-32 helicopter are involved, the local authorities say.

According to the Russian press, the fire at the warehouse in the east of Moscow was given the 3rd degree of complexity. Local residents said that some claps were heard during the accident.

Port grain terminal on fire in Rostov region

On May 27, a large-scale fire broke out in the local port in the Russian city of Azov. Smoke and flames are raging at the grain terminal.

Videos of a large fire appeared on local resources.

There is a big fire in the port of Azov. Judging by the video, the grain terminal is on fire. The information is being clarified.

In his turn, the adviser to the mayor of Mariupol, Petro Andryushchenko, said that in the port of Azov the Russians load most of the Ukrainian grain, which they stole from the occupied territories.

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