Latest Ukraine-Russia POWs exchange is not finished, DIU speaker says
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Latest Ukraine-Russia POWs exchange is not finished, DIU speaker says

POW exchange

According to Andrii Yusov, the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine (DIU) representative, the last 53rd exchange of war prisoners between Ukraine and Russia has not yet been completed. Yusov emphasised that it is still ongoing.

Points of attention

  • Each exchange of prisoners is a complex process, especially due to the disregard of international conventions and legal norms by the aggressor country of the Russian Federation.
  • Thanks to the efforts of the Coordination Headquarters, this time it was possible to free 90 Ukrainian servicemen.
  • Thanks to the United Arab Emirates for active support in the release of captured military personnel.

Ukrainians will soon get more news about the latest POW exchange

This is not yet the 53rd exchange, and it has not ended. The operation is ongoing. 90 of our defenders have already been returned as part of this operation. But this is not the latest news. And we expect to announce more information shortly. Work continues.

Andriy Yusov

Andriy Yusov

DIU representative

He also reminded once again that every exchange of prisoners is an extremely complicated process.

First of all, due to the fact that the aggressor country of the Russian Federation neglects international law and the Geneva Conventions.

What is known about the exchange of prisoners on June 25

90 Ukrainians were freed from enemy captivity: 32 national guardsmen, 18 border guards, 17 representatives of the Naval Forces, 15 soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and 8 soldiers of the Teroboronov.

In addition, it was possible to return 59 defenders of Mariupol, including 52 fighters who left "Azovstal".

Also, 5 National Guardsmen who guarded the Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant returned to their homeland.

In general, Ukrainians captured in the Kherson, Donetsk, Kharkiv, Zaporizhzhya and Luhansk directions return home.

This happened thanks to the efforts of the Coordination Headquarters for the Treatment of Prisoners of War, on the instructions of the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

We express special thanks to the United Arab Emirates for their active assistance in the release of Ukrainian military personnel from Russian captivity, - the statement of the headquarters says.

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