Lubinets appealed to the UN and the Red Cross because of the shooting of prisoners of war of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Krynyky
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Lubinets appealed to the UN and the Red Cross because of the shooting of prisoners of war of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Krynyky

Dmytro Lubinets

Dmytro Lubinets, the Verkhovna Rada Commissioner for Human Rights, appealed to the UN and the Red Cross due to the shooting by war criminals of the Russian army of Ukrainian prisoners of war in Krynyk, Kherson Oblast.

Lubinets demands a response from the UN and the Red Cross to the execution of prisoners of war in the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Krynyk

Lubinets noted that after the information about the shooting by the Russian occupiers of unarmed prisoners of war of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Krynyk, he urgently sent official letters to the UN and ICRC to document the fact of yet another war crime.

The killing of prisoners of war is a flagrant violation of the Geneva Convention on the Treatment of Prisoners of War and a serious international crime. Such cases, unfortunately, are not isolated and are a systematic practice of an insidious enemy, — noted Lubinets.

According to him, another crime committed by the soldiers of the occupation army of the Russian Federation should become part of the evidence base for the future tribunal on the military and political leadership of the aggressor country.

The world community must send a clear signal to Russia that the traces of war crimes cannot be hidden. War crimes have no statute of limitations. And those who committed them and those who gave criminal orders will be on trial, Lubinets emphasized.

What is known about the shooting by the Russian occupiers of the prisoners of war of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Krynyk

According to the representatives of the prosecutor's office of the Kherson region, a video of the shooting by the Russian occupiers of unarmed prisoners of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Krynk was published online.

Currently, Ukrainian law enforcement officers, under the procedural guidance of the Kherson Regional Prosecutor's Office, are investigating violations of the laws and customs of war and intentional murder.

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