Lukashenko began to think about the consequences of Russia's collapse
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Lukashenko began to think about the consequences of Russia's collapse

Oleksandr Lukashenko
Source:  BELT

The self-proclaimed Belarusian dictator Oleksandr Lukashenko said that Russia's defeat in the Kremlin's criminal war against Ukraine would allegedly affect all CIS countries.

Points of attention

  • Lukashenko voices concerns about the possible collapse of Russia and its repercussions on the former USSR countries.
  • The Belarusian dictator emphasizes the importance of unity and cooperation among post-Soviet nations, highlighting their dependence on Russia.
  • Lukashenko warns of potential consequences for countries deviating from Russia's sphere of influence and seeking individual benefits amidst geopolitical turmoil.
  • The dictator criticizes the behavior of countries turning away from unity due to fear of Western sanctions, urging them to stand together in the face of challenges.
  • Recent events underscore the vulnerability of post-Soviet countries in a rapidly changing geopolitical landscape, prompting Lukashenko to urge for solidarity and caution against self-serving actions.

Lukashenko has already started talking about the collapse of Russia

The situation may develop in such a way that any of us - the state - cannot do without this unity. And if we do not understand this today, we will be dealt with individually. But if Russia falls, we will all be dragged into this abyss, - declares the Belarusian dictator.

Lukashenko also began to complain that some countries of the former USSR were allegedly moving away from unity due to fear of Western sanctions.

Lukashenko has already begun to think about the probable collapse of Russia
Oleksandr Lukashenko

Recently, such a situation has arisen, in particular in connection with the holding of the SVO in Ukraine, that many people - both leaders and law enforcement officers, which absolutely should not be the case - began to look for some benefit for themselves in this. You know, guys, based on my experience, I will say that life is so turbulent now and very changeable. Many are looking for profit, in particular, departing from our general development trend created during the Soviet era. Dejak: "We will stay away from Russia, it is under sanctions. We are somehow afraid of falling under them and so on... We are looking for our own benefit." Don't do it, says the Belarusian dictator.

Lukashenko alludes to the dependence of post-Soviet countries on Russia

At the same time, he warned that, allegedly, in the conditions of an extremely volatile situation, every country may need to turn to Russia for help tomorrow.

And recent events show that no one needs us. Not Russia, not you and I, and so on. We need to stick together, Lukashenko falsely declares.

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