NATO states seek clarity on Stoltenberg’s €100 bn plan for Ukraine
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NATO states seek clarity on Stoltenberg’s €100 bn plan for Ukraine

Jens Stoltenberg and Dmytro Kuleba
Source:  Politico

NATO countries demand that the Alliance's Secretary General, Jens Stoltenberg, provide details on the proposed €100 billion aid plan for Ukraine.

NATO expects clarifications from Stoltenberg regarding the €100 billion aid plan for Ukraine

It is noted that in informal conversations, representatives of a number of countries have become more cautious and sceptical of the plan proposed by Stoltenberg to allocate aid to Ukraine for €100 billion.

The authors of the material remind that there are only a few weeks left until the Alliance summit in Washington.

According to one of the European officials, the plan proposed by Stoltenberg is quite confusing.

The official added that the NATO countries expect clarifications from the Secretary-General regarding this plan during the meeting of the NATO countries' foreign ministers in Prague.

It is also unknown whether France and Germany will support Stoltenberg's plan.

According to another European official, the size of Stoltenberg's proposed aid to Ukraine may very likely be revised.

However, the publication's interlocutor added that the partners will have to find ways to demonstrate support for Ukraine.

Two other officials with knowledge of the discussion confirmed that negotiations were ongoing, particularly over the amount of money and how it would be distributed.

A fifth official warned that while ministers and Stoltenberg discuss details at the Prague meeting, no official decisions will be made, given the meeting's "informal" nature.

Macron warns allies about the consequences in case of a decrease in support for Ukraine

French President Emmanuel Macron warned allies against weakening support for Ukraine amid Russia's continued criminal war.

According to Tagesschau, during a meeting with German President Frank Steinmeier in Berlin, Macron said that in a conversation about peace, it should be understood that it is the country's opportunity to protect its borders and sovereignty.

Peace is not a rejection of principles. "Peace means giving the country the opportunity to protect its borders and its sovereignty," Macron emphasised.

At the same time, Steinmeier emphasised that aid to Ukraine should not be stopped.

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