Norway to provide $103 mn to restore Ukraine's energy sector
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Norway to provide $103 mn to restore Ukraine's energy sector

Zelenskiy and Gar Stere
Source:  The Guardian

Norway will provide Ukraine with 1.1 billion kroner (over 100 million dollars) to restore the energy infrastructure and ensure the supply of electricity until next winter.

Points of attention

  • Repair work and installation of solar panels in medical facilities in the Kharkiv region is one of the priority tasks of Norway's financing.
  • Ukraine will receive military and civilian aid from Norway in the total amount of 75 billion kroner for a five-year period.
  • The Energy Support Fund of Ukraine is growing thanks to contributions from various countries and organizations, in total more than 438 million euros have already been collected.
  • Cooperation with the USA: the first contribution to the Fund in the amount of 25 million dollars was made last year in November.

Norwegian funds will be used to install solar panels in medical facilities in Kharkiv region

120 million kroner from the allocated amount will go to repair work in the Kharkiv region. With these funds, solar panels will be installed in seven maternity hospitals and operating rooms in the region.

We are conducting a close dialogue with Ukraine on how it can use these funds most effectively. Ukrainians themselves best understand what is needed. But it is important to quickly start repairing the infrastructure, before the onset of winter.

Jonas Gar Stere

Jonas Gar Stere

Prime Minister of Norway

The Scandinavian country has pledged 75 billion kroner in military and civilian aid to Ukraine for the five-year period 2023-2027, with funding allocated each year according to Ukraine's needs.

Russia is carrying out massive, systematic attacks to paralyze the power grid, but Ukrainians are working day and night to ensure the necessary supply of electricity for the population, said the Prime Minister of Norway.

The Energy Support Fund was launched in Ukraine

The Energy Support Fund of Ukraine is a unique mechanism for consolidating aid from partners who want to support Ukrainian energy companies in ensuring stable energy supply during the military aggression of the Russian Federation.

Currently, the amount of contributions to the Energy Support Fund (announced and already transferred) has increased to more than 438 million euros.

According to the Minister of Energy of Ukraine, the funds came, in particular, from Germany, Great Britain, Spain, Austria, Iceland, Denmark, the European Commission, the Regional Association of Energy Regulatory Authorities (ERRA), the Regional Center for Energy Policy Research. 

The USA made its first contribution to the Fund in the amount of 25 million dollars last year in November.

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