Russia threatens the world with nuclear weapons
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Russia threatens the world with nuclear weapons


Russia has started the first stage of the previously announced training on the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons. The occupiers will use "Iskander" missile systems and "Kinzhal" missiles.

Russia rattles off nuclear weapons: what is known

Within this stage, the personnel of the missile units of the Southern Military District practice the training and combat tasks of obtaining special ammunition for the operational-tactical missile complex "Iskander", equipping the carrier rockets with them and secretly advancing them to the designated positional area to prepare for missile launches.

Also, the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation indicates that the personnel of the aviation units of the Russian Aerospace Forces involved in the training practice equipping with special combat units of aviation means of destruction, in particular, aeroballistic hypersonic missiles "Kinzhal", and flying to designated patrol areas.

At the same time, the Russians once again reminded that the exercises are aimed allegedly in response to "provocative statements and threats of certain Western officials against the RF".

Training on the use of nuclear weapons will take place in the RF

On May 6, it became officially known that the illegitimate president of Russia, Vladimir Putin, ordered to conduct training on the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons.

By order of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, with the aim of increasing the readiness of non-strategic nuclear forces to carry out combat missions, the General Staff has begun preparations for conducting exercises in the near future with the missile units of the Southern Military District involving aviation and the forces of the Navy,” says the message of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation.

In addition, it is emphasised that during the training, a set of measures will be implemented to practice the issues of preparation and use of non-strategic nuclear weapons.

At the same time, Andriy Yusov, a representative of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine (DIU), stated that nuclear threat is a regular practice for the RF.

What they have, they rattle. After all, this is a permanent practice of the Kremlin. There is nothing particularly new here.

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