Orban invented a demand to lift the veto on €50 billion for Ukraine
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Orban invented a demand to lift the veto on €50 billion for Ukraine

Viktor Orban
Source:  Politico

According to Politico, Hungary promises to lift its veto on the EU aid package to Ukraine in the amount of 50 billion euros if the funding is reviewed every year.

Hungary named a demand to unblock the EU decision for €50 billion to Ukraine

Orbán's team says it will lift its veto provided the European Council approves a vote to allocate the funds annually, according to insiders in Brussels.

Journalists pay attention to what will allow Putin's henchman to block funding to Ukraine every year to get concessions from the European Union for refusing the veto.

Hungary formulated this proposal during a meeting of 27 EU budget experts on Friday and sent the corresponding document to the EU Council, currently chaired by Belgium.

What will Ukraine get if the European Union agrees to Hungary's demand

One of Politico's insiders explained that Budapest's proposal is as follows: official Brussels will provide Ukraine with €12.5 billion annually in grants and loans, which will amount to €50 billion proposed by the European Commission in four years.

However, Orbán will be able to block this aid for Kyiv again every year.

Many European politicians do not support Hungary's proposal because it will not provide predictability for Ukraine.

The seven-year budget of the EU is a multi-year structure, we cannot do it (agree — ed.) from year to year, one of the diplomats stressed.

Solving the issue of financing Ukraine from the EU is on the agenda of the meeting of the ambassadors of the EU member states, which will occur on January 10.

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