Poland builds fortifications on border with Belarus
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Poland builds fortifications on border with Belarus

Source:  tvp.info

The Polish authorities have begun to build fortifications and strengthen the border with Belarus.

What is known about strengthening the defence of Poland

According to the country's Prime Minister Donald Tusk, Poland has started intensive work on modern fortification.

Fortifications of various sizes will be built along the entire Polish border from the east.

Tusk did not specify exactly what works are being carried out, but he noted that the EU can contribute to the financing.

This is not only the internal border of Poland, but also the border of the EU. Therefore, I have no doubt that the whole of Europe will have to — and I know that we will achieve this — invest in our security by investing in the eastern border of Poland and in the security of our border, emphasised Tusk.

Poland will also increase its military presence in the voivodeships bordering Russia and Belarus.

Strengthening the borders of Poland and Lithuania

General Waldemar Skrzypczak, former commander of the ground forces and former deputy minister of national defense of Poland, said in an interview with Delfi that he thinks a conflict between Russia and NATO is unlikely, but that Poland and Lithuania must do certain things now.

He said that the experience of the Russian Federation's war against Ukraine shows that the knowledge of how to build fortifications, defensive positions, and minefields to stop the enemy is relevant again.

I believe that the Polish and Lithuanian borders with Russia should be strengthened, and echeloned minefields should be placed now, in peacetime. In wartime, it may be too late to build fortifications on border territories. I am convinced that both Lithuania and Poland should start building powerful fortifications. And there's no need to hide it, General Valdemar Skrzypczak said.

He added that Alexander Lukashenko and Vladimir Putin should know that if they decide to start a war, their troops will have to overcome such fortified areas that it will require huge sacrifices on their part.

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