Polish factories significantly increase weapons production amid the war in Ukraine
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Polish factories significantly increase weapons production amid the war in Ukraine

Polish army
Source:  rp.pl

According to the Rzechpospolita publication, Polish factories are increasing weapons production several times against record investments in the defence industry.

Weapons production in Poland is growing significantly

According to journalists, Polish factories have focused on producing TNT, rifles and howitzers so far.

The Łucznik factory in Radoml intends to produce 100,000 rifles annually in just two years.

Moreover, the process of rapid renewal of machine tools is taking place, and the construction of additional workshops has been approved.

The company Huta Stalowa Wola, which is a manufacturer of heavy artillery, "Krab" long-range self-propelled howitzers and Rak automatic mortars, completed a technological modernisation worth tens of millions of zlotys just before the full-scale war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine. However, these investments are insufficient today.

According to the company's executive director Jan Schwedo, his team wants to double production in just two years.

The journalists also learned that the Remontowa Shipbuilding and PGZ shipyards were urgently reconstructed.

They will be responsible for the construction of three license multi-purpose frigates of the new generation from the series for 15 billion zlotys.

According to analysts, this may prevent the predicted collapse of the Polish Navy.

Russian-Ukrainian war is affecting the situation in Poland

The journalists note that Russia's attack on Ukraine and the sharp increase in the demand for explosives forced the Bydgoszcz Nitro-Chem plant to increase TNT production to the maximum level.

Also, another Polish company, Autosan, which previously produced electric buses, has now started the Waran production. It is the latest multi-purpose armored vehicle with high mobility, suitable for close artillery reconnaissance and has a versatile transport platform on the battlefield.

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