Polish farmers renewed blockade at checkpoint with Ukraine
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Polish farmers renewed blockade at checkpoint with Ukraine

State Customs Service of Ukraine
Polish farmers

Protesters blocked the movement of trucks at the Dovgobychuv-Uhryniv checkpoint.

Farmers staged a one-day strike on the border with Ukraine

Information about blocking the border was confirmed by the State Customs Service.

According to the Polish side, today, May 10, from 09:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., a one-day strike will be held in front of the Dolgobychuv - Uhryniv checkpoint on freight routes: entry and exit from Ukraine, the message says.

The customs service noted that cars and buses will move freely in the passenger direction.

The purpose of the border blockade by Polish farmers is not specified.

A sit-in strike in the Polish Sejm

On May 9, farmers announced a sit-down strike in the Polish Sejm, demanding a meeting with the country's Prime Minister, Donald Tusk.

The farmers said that they will wait for the prime minister as long as it takes, even if they have to spend the night in the Sejm.

The protesters demanded to cancel the "green agreement", as well as to reconsider the conditions for the import of agricultural products from Ukraine.

However, Deputy Minister of Agriculture Stefan Krajovskyi said that Poland cannot close the border with Ukraine, as goods are not only imported, but also exported.

If we want to export products to Ukraine, we cannot close it (border-ed.). Because then the closure will be mutual, said the politician.

He added that it is not known whether Tusk will come out to the farmers, as it should be his personal decision.

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