Political analyst Olivier Vedrine: Putin planning terrorist attacks in EU ahead of Olympic Games
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Political analyst Olivier Vedrine: Putin planning terrorist attacks in EU ahead of Olympic Games

Source:  online.ua

On May 9, French professor, political scientist and journalist Olivier Vedrine held a lecture on "History and Future of the European Union" for students and professors of the National Technical University "Dniprovsk Polytechnic".

Is Putin planning terrorist attacks in the EU

As part of the meeting, Professor Olivier Vedrin explained whether the residents of the European Union feel a threat to peaceful life on the entire territory of the European continent from the illegitimate president of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin.

We believe that Putin is a threat. There are reasons to believe that on the eve of the Olympic Games, Putin is planning terrorist attacks in the EU, in particular in France and Germany.

Olivier Vedrine

Olivier Vedrine

French professor, political scientist and journalist

Ukraine has to win two wars: defeat Putin and corruption

According to Professor Vedrine, Ukraine has to overcome two serious enemies — Russian aggression and corruption.

Overcoming corruption will show that Ukraine shares European values and will help it move forward on its path to the EU.

Ukraine is fighting two wars — one with Russia and one with corruption. The EU wants to help Ukraine, but we need to understand what it wants and what it is to the West.

Democracy and human rights are the foundation of a strong Europe

During the lecture, Professor Vedrine reminded that the European Union was formed after the Second World War.

The goal of the countries that joined the EU was to support democratic values and peace on the territory of the continent.

If we want to build a strong and powerful Europe, we must uphold and spread its values — democracy, dialogue, human rights.

Olivier Vedrine

Olivier Vedrine

French professor, political scientist and journalist

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