"Political animal". Kuleba spoke harshly about Putin
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"Political animal". Kuleba spoke harshly about Putin

Dmytro Kuleba
Source:  CNN

The head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Dmytro Kuleba, called the Kremlin dictator Vladimir Putin a "political animal" who only understands power.

Kuleba calls on the West not to be afraid of Putin and to speed up aid to Ukraine

The head of foreign affairs expressed his gratitude to the USA for the approval and provision of assistance to Ukraine, noting that it is better late than never.

Kuleba emphasized that any delay by Western partners in helping Ukraine leads to greater losses among the Ukrainian military and civilian population.

Everything that we have lost since the fall and until today, we lost because our soldiers did not have enough weapons, — explains the head of Ukrainian diplomacy.

According to him, Ukraine needs clear faith from its partners in the ability of its own victory over the occupying army of the Russian Federation.

Kuleba is convinced that this is possible if the fear of the Kremlin is rejected.

Because Putin is a political animal that hears fear. And when he hears it, he becomes more aggressive. If he hears the power that, for example, Congress has just demonstrated, he will be forced to retreat, the head of the Foreign Ministry is convinced.

Kuleba emphasized that Ukraine will not stop fighting against the aggressor country, because the survival of the state and the preservation of its own sovereignty are at stake.

What are they saying in the West about the threats of the Russian army's offensive in Ukraine

The head of the intelligence center of the Estonian army, colonel Ants Kiviselg notes that the occupation army of the Russian Federation is trying to speed up its own offensive in Ukraine, but the chances of breaking through the defense line of the armed forces are becoming less and less.

Kiviselg emphasized that the Russian occupiers continue to achieve only limited success, while the Ukrainian military is putting up a desperate resistance and reducing the risk of a breakthrough in its own defenses.

Russia is trying to use the last window of opportunity until Western military aid has fully arrived in Ukraine and has not been deployed in operations, the head of Estonian intelligence emphasizes.

In addition, the Estonian noted that the effective tactics of the Ukrainian Air Defense Forces helped to reduce the intensity of attacks by the occupation army of the Russian Federation.

According to him, the Russian occupiers are continuing their attacks in the Chasovoy Yar area west of Bakhmut and in the Maryinka area west of Donetsk.

In addition, the Russian army is trying to conduct an offensive in the area of the railway junction connecting Avdiivka and Pokrovsk.

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