Presumption of guilt. Russia introduces a strict migration regime for foreigners
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Presumption of guilt. Russia introduces a strict migration regime for foreigners


In the second and third readings, the State Duma of the Russian Federation adopted the law of a group of deputies from all Duma factions, who are proposed to introduce a new migration regime for the expulsion of foreigners.

Points of attention

  • The new migration regime limits migrants' stay in Russia to 90 days per year and provides for quick deportation in case of violations.
  • According to the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, the number of crimes committed by illegal immigrants in the Russian Federation has more than tripled since the beginning of the year.
  • Russia plans to strengthen migration legislation, considering 25 projects at once.

What is known about the strengthening of migration legislation in Russia

In addition, it is indicated that a law was also voted on, which gives the police the authority to make decisions on the administrative deportation of foreign citizens and stateless persons outside of Russia.

Moreover, the aggressors intend to create a register of deportees in the aggressor country.

The Chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, Vyacheslav Volodin, has already commented on the latest decisions. He publicly called for tighter controls in the field of migration:

According to him, those who do not comply with Russian laws and have lost the right to legal stay in Russia should not stay in the aggressor country.

The new deportation regime will apply to those migrants whose documents have expired or been canceled or who have committed a crime, Volodin added.

An interesting fact is that, according to the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, the number of crimes committed by illegal immigrants in the Russian Federation has more than tripled since the beginning of the year.

Photo: screenshot

How the new migration regime will function in the Russian Federation

expulsion by police decision will not exceed 48 hours, unless the court decides otherwise.

It is also indicated that the period of temporary stay of migrants in Russia has been shortened — migrants are allowed to stay in the country for no more than 90 days during the year.

Foreign citizens who will be subject to deportation will be in a special register. They will be prohibited from:

  • change the place of residence or stay in Russia without the permission of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;

  • travel outside the place of residence;

  • drive vehicles, get a driver's license;

  • buy or alienate real estate, vehicles and self-propelled machines, register this property with state authorities;

  • marry;

  • open bank accounts, transfer money, manage account funds.

According to Volodin, as of today, the State Duma is considering 25 projects to "improve" migration legislation.

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