Putin again began to frighten the world with changes in Russia's nuclear doctrine
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Putin again began to frighten the world with changes in Russia's nuclear doctrine

Source:  online.ua

On September 25, the illegitimate president of Russia, Vladimir Putin, made changes to the Russian doctrine of nuclear deterrence. The Russian dictator announced this at a meeting of the Security Council of the Russian Federation.

Points of attention

  • Vladimir Putin made changes to Russia's nuclear doctrine, expanding the categories of states that can be the target of a nuclear response in the event of an alleged threat to Russian sovereignty.
  • The updated nuclear doctrine includes responding to aggression by non-nuclear states supported by nuclear states as a joint attack, potentially increasing tensions in international relations.
  • Putin's announcement of responding with nuclear weapons to threats towards Russia, including airspace attacks, strategic and tactical aircraft, and hypersonic weapons, raises concerns about the escalation of conflict.
  • Russia's intention to change its nuclear doctrine based on recent conflicts and Western escalation hints at a more aggressive stance, with preparations for potential conflicts with NATO being reported.
  • The completion of the updated nuclear doctrine remains uncertain, signaling the complexity and importance of ensuring Russia's national security amidst evolving geopolitical dynamics.

Putin again began to scare the world with nuclear weapons

The head of the aggressor country drew the attention of those present at the Security Council that "in the updated version of the document, aggression against Russia by any non-nuclear state, but with the participation or support of a nuclear state, is proposed to be considered as their joint attack on the Russian Federation."

Putin expanded the "category of states and military alliances that are subject to nuclear deterrence." The document also added a list of "military threats for the neutralization of which nuclear deterrence measures are being implemented."

At the same time, the basis for a nuclear response will be "a critical threat to the sovereignty of the Russian Federation and conventional weapons." Putin did not specify what "critical threat" means.

According to the Russian dictator, a nuclear response will occur in the event of "verified information about the launch of air-space attack means towards Russia." These are "strategic and tactical aircraft, cruise missiles, drones, hypersonic and other aircraft."

Also, the illegitimate president of the aggressor country stated that he would respond with a nuclear weapon if someone attacked Belarus.

Russia is changing its nuclear doctrine

At the beginning of September 2024, the deputy head of the Russian Foreign Ministry Serhiy Ryabkov said that Russia intends to change its nuclear doctrine based on an analysis of the conflicts of recent years and the "escalation course" of the West.

Currently, the process of proving the relevant document is underway, but it is still too early to talk about the specific terms of its completion. The time of completion of this work is quite a difficult question, taking into account the fact that we are talking about the most important aspects of ensuring our national security, he said.

Earlier, the mass media reported that even before the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Russia was preparing its navy to strike targets deep in Europe with missiles with nuclear warheads in the event of a potential conflict with NATO.

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