Putin complains he is no longer recognised by his classmates and school friends
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Putin complains he is no longer recognised by his classmates and school friends

Putin complains that he is no longer recognised
Source:  online.ua

Kremlin dictator and war criminal Vladimir Putin complains that classmates and school friends no longer recognize him.

The Kremlin dictator complains that he is becoming less recognisable

During a meeting with the Anadyr residents, Putin said that he sometimes allegedly meets with his friends from childhood and youth, but they constantly suspect that it is not him.

I rarely, but I meet with my classmates, fellow students. They often look at me and say: "I don't believe it... Is it you or isn't it?" Putin says.

Putin allegedly replies to old comrades that "not every person knows how he will behave when he finds himself at a certain level of responsibility."

In addition, Putin hastened to assure that he is in good health. According to the dictator, he allegedly does sports for two hours every day. According to him, this is a gym, swimming and other procedures.

What strategy will allow Ukraine to win the war unleashed by Putin

In the material of the American publication Foreign Affairs, the analysts indicate that Ukraine can win the war thanks to exclusively defensive strategies.

The authors of the material emphasise that Western partners of Ukraine mostly ignore this option. Still, it meets all the stated goals of preventing Kremlin dictator and war criminal Vladimir Putin from achieving his own strategic goals.

If Ukraine can defend the territory it controls in the coming months, using capabilities such as anti-tank mines and concrete fortifications, it could cut Russia's path to outright victory and perhaps even open the door to negotiations. Putin obviously believes that time is on his side, and a strong and stable defence of Ukraine will prove him wrong, the publication notes.

The authors of the publication note that two years after the start of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the Kremlin dictator continues to believe that his occupying army has a chance to win in Ukraine.

He thinks that he will be able to survive the support of Kyiv from the West and eventually defeat Ukraine through complete exhaustion, analysts say.

At the same time, according to the authors of the material, it is a defence that can become the path to Ukraine's victory.

The transition to defence will require Ukraine to have three specific elements for success:

  • build a system of defensive lines consisting of deep trenches, prepared firing positions, ditches, anti-tank mines and concrete anti-tank pyramidal barriers known as "dragon's teeth";

  • make it a priority to keep the competition in the skies, ensuring that neither side gains an air advantage;

  • expand domestic production of weapons, reducing its dependence on Western supplies.

At the same time, it is also indicated that the transition to defence is valuable because it can show the Kremlin that further territorial conquest is unattainable and will help Ukraine solve its two most significant problems: the lack of soldiers and the weakening of Western support.

The defence strategy saves Ukraine from the need to arm itself with expensive and scarce Western systems designed to give it a qualitative offensive advantage like advanced fighters or tanks. Instead of that, the West could reorient aid to cheaper ammunition, construction materials and air defence systems, while simultaneously working on building up Ukraine's defence and industrial base, the publication says.

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