Russia exported at least 30,000 tons of agricultural products from the TOT of the Kherson region
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Russia exported at least 30,000 tons of agricultural products from the TOT of the Kherson region

agricultural products

Russia has created a whole scheme to steal Ukrainian grain and it works on a permanent basis during the full-scale invasion.

Points of attention

  • Russia has created a scheme to steal Ukrainian grain and agricultural products from the Kherson region, exporting them to various countries with the involvement of collaborators.
  • The militarization of Ukrainian teenagers from TOT is evident as they are being prepared for combat operations in military sports centers, involving children in the production of weapons and training in combat skills.
  • The aggressive nature of Russian policy towards Ukraine is further confirmed by the involvement of minors in military activities and the export of Ukrainian agricultural products by individuals close to Putin.
  • The opening of military camps for children in the occupied territories of Ukraine raises concerns about the increasing militarization and preparation of minors for possible combat missions.
  • The list of crimes committed by Russia continues to grow as they exploit Ukrainian resources through theft, militarize teenagers, and prepare them for potential conflict scenarios.

One of the exporters of agricultural products is a person close to Putin

Russian companies exported at least 30,000 tons of agricultural products from the temporarily occupied left bank of the Kherson region and earned more than six million euros.

The Russians, with the help of collaborators, sent grain and other agricultural products from the Kherson region to Azerbaijan, Syria, Turkey and Iran, the CNS informs.

It is indicated that one of these "exporters" is a person close to Putin.

According to the Center of National Resistance, only since the beginning of this year, 50,700 tons of Ukrainian grain have been sent by sea from Mariupol to the temporarily occupied Donetsk region.

Russia is militarizing Ukrainian teenagers from TOT

In Russia, as early as the summer of 2023, the so-called "Warrior" military sports centers began to be actively opened, in which teenagers are prepared upon reaching adulthood for further participation in hostilities.

Selection for such training is carried out by local collaborators independently. First of all, they pay attention to the physical development of the child, and then they actively begin to psychologically process the "future soldier".

It is known that the occupiers opened branches of such military camps in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine.

For example, the opening of such a center in the Luhansk region was personally handled by the director of the "Warriors" organization Oleksandr Zaitsev.

They also noted that the list of crimes in Russia is only increasing. Now, in addition to involving children in the production of weapons, the occupiers will also prepare minors for possible combat missions.

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