Russia intensifies the total russification of Ukrainian children in the occupied territories
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Russia intensifies the total russification of Ukrainian children in the occupied territories

Center for Countering Disinformation of Ukraine
Children in Ukrainian territories occupied by Russia

According to representatives of the Center for Combating Disinformation (CCD), the Russian invaders will intensify the total russification of Ukrainian children in the temporarily occupied territories.

How Russia zombifies Ukrainian children in the temporarily occupied territories

According to the CCD analysts, the Russian invaders are actively importing teachers from the Russian Federation for the Russification of Ukrainian children.

At the same time, Kremlin propaganda launched an information campaign to attract teachers from the residents of the occupied Ukrainian territories.

In one of the propaganda materials, it is stated that Oksana Bukholtseva, a teacher from Buryatia, came to the occupied Tokmak in the Zaporizhzhia region, where she was made the director of one of the schools.

In particular, Kremlin propagandists claim that the residents of the city do not know and do not speak Ukrainian. The local dialect is, as it were, "surzhik", which arose as a result of the combination of two languages.

At the same time, Kremlin propaganda cynically claims that the students of lower grades "are happy to study according to the Russian curriculum."

At the same time, the Kremlin propagandists, as usual, did not hold back and began to carry the delusion that supposedly high school students "are interested in the legislation of the Russian Federation and have unlimited trust in Putin".

Parents are forced to refuse distance learning according to the Ukrainian program, threatening that the children will "lose the opportunities that Russia provides."

What is known about the abduction of Ukrainian children

For Children's Day in 2023, the Online.UA team presented the documentary project "Abducted Childhood", which tells the story of Ukrainian children forcibly deported and abducted to Russia.

In the "Abducted Childhood" film, children and their parents openly share their own stories: some of them were in captivity, some were forcibly taken to a "rehabilitation camp", and some were separated from their parents during the so-called filtering measures.

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