Russia plans to restart operation of occupied Zaporizhzhia NPP
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Russia plans to restart operation of occupied Zaporizhzhia NPP


Russia announced that they plan to restart the occupied Ukrainian Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant (NPP) and warned the IAEA about it.

Restarting the ZNPP could lead to a nuclear disaster

Restarting the occupied Ukrainian Zaporizhzhia NPP could lead to a nuclear disaster at the facility. Greenpeace nuclear specialist Sean Burnie announced this on the national newscast.

In the last month, we have seen signals that Rosatom is planning to restart the Zaporizhzhia NPP. In a document handed over to the IAEA last week, the Russian government revealed its plans to build a new pumping station at the ZNPP since the Russians destroyed the Kakhovska Dam, which cooled the nuclear power plant.

Sean Burnie

Sean Burnie

Greenpeace nuclear specialist

Bernie noted that, at the moment, there are no trained and experienced Ukrainian personnel working at the NPP. From time to time, the NPP is wholly de-energised. That is, the facility has had no safe conditions for a long time. And with a restart, the security level will be even lower.

Greenpeace does not trust Rosatom

"A disaster can happen quickly, and the Russians don't have specialists we trust. We don't trust Rosatom and the Russian regulator, we don't believe they can work safely in Ukraine," he concluded.

He emphasised that the Russians plan to restart one of the power units by December this year.

According to Sean Burnie, in the IAEA's reports on the situation at the ZNPP in recent months, the Agency did not take a position against the restart. They say it's probably not a good idea and precautions should be taken.

The idea is that Rosatom assures that it will all be safe, that they are carrying out repairs at the station, etc. However, this is a lie, emphasised the specialist.

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