Russia potentially keeps about 100 tactical nuclear warheads in Kaliningrad region, Polish MFA chief says
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Russia potentially keeps about 100 tactical nuclear warheads in Kaliningrad region, Polish MFA chief says

Nuclear weapon
Source:  Ukrainian Pravda

Warsaw said that Russia could potentially keep about 100 tactical nuclear warheads in the Kaliningrad region.

Points of attention

  • The Russian Federation may keep about 100 tactical nuclear warheads in the Kaliningrad region, which poses a serious threat to Europe.
  • The deputy head of Russia's National Security and Defense Council, Dmytro Medvedev, threatens Poland with radioactive ashes following Radoslaw Sikorski's statements about Ukraine's strikes on the Russian Federation.
  • Medvedev said that a possible hit by American forces on Russian facilities threatens the start of a world war.
  • Cooperation and diplomatic efforts are essential to prevent further escalation of the conflict in the region.
  • International cooperation and international agreements are crucial to ensuring security and stability in Europe and the world.

Russia is stockpiling nuclear weapons on its borders with NATO

This was announced by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Poland, Radoslaw Sikorski, at the conference on the reconstruction of Ukraine in Berlin

Sikorsky described to other Europeans at the conference what the Russian threat from Warsaw looked like, stressing that it was closer than it might seem.

250 km north of Warsaw is the Kaliningrad region, a Russian exclave with storage space for—according to our estimates—about 100 tactical nuclear warheads. 250 km to the east is Belarus, where the Russians and Belarusians staged an attack on the EU's Schengen area border.

Radoslaw Sikorski

Radoslaw Sikorski

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Poland

As early as the spring of 2022, there were claims from Russia's neighbours that Moscow already had nuclear weapons in the Baltics.

He also reminded that sometimes Russian missiles used to attack Ukraine fly into the territory of Poland and sometimes fall on the territory of Poland.

One such missile fell 10 km from my home in Western Poland, 250 km from here... So this danger is closer than one might think.

Medvedev threatens Warsaw with a "portion of radioactive ashes"

The deputy head of the Russian National Security and Defense Council, ex-president of the Russian Federation, Dmytry Medvedev, hysterically reacted to the statement of the head of the Polish Foreign Ministry, Radoslaw Sikorski, regarding the attack on the positions of the Russian Federation in Ukraine.

The odious Dmytro Medvedev responded to Sikorsky's statement on the Kh network.

According to Medvedev, Sikorski "decided to scare his owners" with the relevant statement. In addition, he called Western politicians "Yankees" and the Polish minister a "strange creature".

The Americans hitting our targets would mean the start of a world war, and the foreign minister of even a country like Poland must understand that.

At the same time, he threatened Poland with a "portion of radioactive ash": "Warsaw will not stand aside and will receive its portion of radioactive ash. Is this what you want?"

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