Russia suspends exchange of prisoners of war with Ukraine
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Russia suspends exchange of prisoners of war with Ukraine

Tatyana Moskalkova

On 29 May, Russian Ombudsman Tatyana Moskalkova officially stated that the Russian authorities had decided to suspend the exchange of prisoners of war (POW) with Ukraine and had groundlessly blamed Kyiv for everything.

Russia again blocks the process of POW exchanging with Ukraine

"Unfortunately, exchanges [of prisoners of war] have been suspended for several months now because of Ukraine, which is constantly putting forward new far-fetched demands," the Russian ombudsman cynically stated.

In addition, Putin's henchman began to thank the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation for its work on the return of people from Russian captivity.

We feel people's excitement and tension and do everything possible to inform them about measures taken by the state.

Tatiana Moskalkova

Tatiana Moskalkova

Commissioner for Human Rights in Russia

What is also important to understand is that Moskalkova previously publicly lied about having sent the Ukrainian ombudsman Dmytro Lubinets a list of 500 prisoners whom Ukraine has allegedly refused to take for several months.

Lubinets told how Russia is trying to deceive Ukraine's partners

On May 23, the Human Rights Commissioner of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Dmytro Lubinets, spoke about the problematic situation with the exchange of Ukrainian prisoners of war.

According to him, the struggle for the liberation of the Ukrainian people continues every day and never stops, although Russia is actively blocking this process.

I've emphasised again that we are working hard on the issue of returning our Defenders, even though Russia blocks this process and refuses to approve the lists we provide to the Russian side for exchanges. However, we continue to look for new mechanisms for this, said Dmytro Lubinets.

He also once again urged Ukrainians and the international community not to forget who we are fighting.

Lubinets emphasised that the Russian Federation is insidiously fighting against Ukraine and conducting negotiations.

First, it is about Tatyana Moskalkova, who constantly makes false statements about the prisoner exchange process.

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