Russia throws African mercenaries into meat assaults in Kharkiv region
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Russia throws African mercenaries into meat assaults in Kharkiv region

Source:  ATESH

The Crimean Tatar resistance movement ATESH found Russian mercenaries from Africa in the advanced units during the offensive of the Russian Federation in the Kharkiv region.

Russian mercenaries from Africa are storming Kharkiv region

The African Mercenary Corps was involved in Russia's offensive on the Kharkiv region.

The ATESH partisans reported in the movement's statement.

Agents of the "ATESH" movement from the headquarters of the 44 Army Corps report that Russia will use the African Corps in the offensive on the Kharkiv region. They are already suffering huge losses.

The mercenaries were not ready for such a war. The Russians send them to the front lines, knowing that most of them will not return from the assaults.

We could see all the preparation of this corps at the parade, where 20 people performed a traditional military dance.

There is evidence that there are mercenaries in the Kharkiv region who have already fought in Mali and Libya.

Russia recruits and engages mercenaries from poor countries in an attempt to compensate for its losses. All the countries of the world should think about whether it is worth interacting with such a country, confident in ATESH.

Russia is recruiting mercenaries for the war against Ukraine

A mercenary of the Russian army from Somalia, Muhammad Adil, was captured by the Armed Forces of Ukraine at the beginning of January 2024. journalists managed to ask the captured foreigner why he came to Russia, how he got into the occupier's army, how much he trained before he got to the front line, and which of his decisions he regrets.

After arriving in the Russian Federation, he got a job at a factory, but soon saw an advertisement of the Russian army on the street and signed a contract on December 3, 2023.

In less than a month, already on January 4, 2024, he found himself on the front line on the territory of Ukraine.

In the summer of 2023, it became known that residents of Nepal, who came to the Russian Federation to study, were being recruited for the war against Ukraine. The main argument for making such a decision is money.

In December, Nepal issued an official statement calling on Moscow to stop recruiting its citizens for the war and to return the bodies of those who had already died.

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