Russia used AI in propaganda campaigns against Ukraine
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Russia used AI in propaganda campaigns against Ukraine


OpenAI, an artificial intelligence research lab, has identified and shut down accounts that were linked to Russian covert influence operations using artificial intelligence technologies.

How Russia used AI for anti-Ukrainian propaganda

According to the OpenAI report , the influence campaigns used OpenAI technology to create social media posts, translate and edit articles, write headlines, and debug computer programs.

The influence campaign from Russia was called Bad Grammar by OpenAI. It operated mainly in Telegram and was aimed at Ukraine, Moldova, the Baltic States and the United States.

The people behind Bad Grammar used OpenAI AI models to generate code to launch a Telegram bot and create short political comments in Russian and English that were then published on Telegram. All of them were illiterate, so the campaign was called Bad Grammar.

Another influence operation from Russia is called Doppelganger. Its participants used AI to create:

  • anti-Ukrainian comments in English, French, German, Italian and Polish that were published on X and 9GAG;

  • translation and editing of articles in English and French;

  • turning anti-Ukrainian news articles into Facebook posts.

OpenAI assures that none of these influence campaigns achieved significant results through the use of artificial intelligence.

Russian special operation "Maidan-3" against Ukraine is approaching its climax

The Intelligence Committee under the President of Ukraine officially warns that the "Maidan-3" special operation, which the Russian Federation is conducting against our country, will reach its climax in March-May 2024.

Dictator Vladimir Putin's team intends to:

  • to question the legitimacy of government decisions made in Ukraine after May 20,

  • spread panic moods, despondency,

  • to artificially oppose civilians and military,

  • put us at odds with our allies,

  • spread all kinds of "conspiracy theories" in society.

The main intelligence department of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine reported that it has lists of persons whom Russia can involve in spreading its narratives and influencing the socio-political situation in Ukraine.

We will remind you that the team wrote about the enemy's special operation on November 13 in the exclusive article "Panic, despondency, exhaustion, attempts. Russia launched a new "Maidan-3" information attack on Ukraine .

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