Russia uses new place to recharge submarines with missiles due to AFU strikes in occupied Crimea
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Russia uses new place to recharge submarines with missiles due to AFU strikes in occupied Crimea


Russian troops can recharge their submarines with missiles at the Novorossiysk base station. This is done due to the occupiers' fear of new AFU strikes on Crimea, where this type of weaponry was previously based.

Russia has found a new place to recharge submarines

A similar situation was predicted in the Naval Forces of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

Ukrainian Navy speaker Dmytro Pletenchuk told that opinion on the national newscast.

There was an opportunity to reload submarines at the Novorossiysk base point (in the Russian military—ed.) because we have repeatedly seen their use without measures at the Sevastopol base points. They probably solved this problem, which is expected.

Dmytro Pletenchuk

Dmytro Pletenchuk

Ukrainian Navy speaker

According to him, the Russian Black Sea Fleet still has submarines, "guards," large landing ships, and cruise missile carriers.

The group remains quite large. The only thing is that they have actually now reduced the use of ship-boat crews only to submarines. These are either carriers of cruise missiles, of which they have three left, or simply a diesel-electric submarine of the Halibut project. We've been seeing these units out to sea lately. Today is a case where the number of ships is larger than usual, but it is an inter-base transition due to security measures. They implement this in order to preserve the shipyard.

He noted that surface ships are not being used. Since mid-autumn last year, five attacks have been confirmed, and three of them have been carried out by enemy submarines.

What does DIU say about the other ship's destruction of the Russian Black Sea Fleet in Crimea?

Details will come a little later. The work of special units of Defence Intelligence of Ukraine. [It was a] sea strike. Everything is accurate. Another minus one enemy ship, noted Yusov.

The DIU representative added that now there is "another maritime property at the bottom of the Ukrainian Black Sea, on the Crimean coast."

This is a fact. Details will come today. Indeed, there will be a bright video as well, — added the DIU rep.

According to Yusov, the current operation became possible as a result of the breakthrough of sea fortifications built by the enemy, and then the destruction of another enemy ship.

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