Russian attack aircraft suffered huge losses in Kharkiv region, ATESH says
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Russian attack aircraft suffered huge losses in Kharkiv region, ATESH says

Losses of the Russian Federation
Source:  ATESH

The Crimean Tatar resistance movement ATESH, which has its agents in the Russian army, has given figures for Russian losses in the Kharkiv area.

The Russian army suffers huge losses in the Kharkiv region

Sources of the ATESH movement report significant losses of Russian assault units in the Kharkiv region.

As a result of heavy fighting, individual units of the 138th Separate Motorised Rifle Brigade, the 18th Motorised Rifle Division and the 7th Separate Motorised Rifle Regiment lost their combat capability. Losses killed and wounded make up to 70% of personnel.

Not the last role in this is played by the clashes between the line units of the Russian Armed Forces and "Storm-Z". Not all commanders can manage former prisoners, even those with rich military experience.

Our agents continue to work and extract important information from a new section of the front. We promptly inform the Defence Forces of Ukraine about all changes.

Russia’s mercenaries from Africa are storming Kharkiv region — ATESH

The African Mercenary Corps was involved in Russia's offensive on the Kharkiv region.

This was stated by ATESH partisans.

Agents of the ATESH movement from the headquarters of the 44 AK report that Russia will use the African Corps in the offensive on the Kharkiv region. They are already suffering huge losses.

The mercenaries were not ready for such a war. The Russians send them to the front lines, knowing that most of them will not return from the assaults.

We could see all the preparation of this corps at the parade, where 20 people performed a traditional military dance.

There is evidence that there are mercenaries in the Kharkiv region who have already fought in Mali and Libya.

Russia recruits and uses mercenaries from poor countries in an attempt to compensate for its losses. All countries in the world should think about whether to engage with such a country, ATESH believes.

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