Russian propagandist Morozov committed suicide after the post about Russian army casualties in Avdiivka
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Russian propagandist Morozov committed suicide after the post about Russian army casualties in Avdiivka

Andrei "Murz" Morosov

Russian media claims that Andrei "Murz" Morozov, a well-known propagandist, Z-blogger and ex-combatant of the so-called "LPR", committed suicide because he was forced to delete a post about the massive losses of Russians in Avdiivka.

Morozov, another scoundrel of the Kremlin, committed suicide

He published a post in which he stated that he dared to commit suicide because of the request of the Russian authorities to remove the post about the death of 16,000 Russian soldiers in the battles for Avdiivka.

What is essential to understand is that the Armed Forces recently announced that they destroyed more than 47,000 Russian soldiers during the Avdiyiv operation.

Morozov published the suicide note on his own Telegram channel, "We are writing from Yanina".

Posipaka of the Kremlin complained about being harassed by "political prostitutes led by Volodymyr Solovyov."

Death note of propagandist Andrii Morozov
Death note of propagandist Andrii Morozov (Photo: screenshot)

What is essential to understand is that on February 18, Morozov published a post in which he mentioned the death of 16,000 Russian soldiers in the battles for Avdiivka. After that, he came under a flurry of criticism from other propagandists on the "Solovyov LIVE" airwaves.

On February 20, Morozov deleted the post. In his death note, he also mentioned that he was forced to do this on the orders of a "comrade colonel" who had orders from a higher authority.

In the case of such critical posts, the Russian authorities threaten not to supply the criticizing units with weapons: "shells, copters, new tanks and APVs," Moroz complained.

According to preliminary data, he shot himself.

What is known about Z-blogger and ex-combatant of the "LPR" Andrei "Murz" Morozov

Andriy Morozov is one of the creators of the "Coordinating Center for Assistance to Novorossiya" and a former leader of the national Stalinist group "Red Blitzkrieg".

Even 24 years ago, he organized several provocative actions — mainly throwing tomatoes at politician Ilya Yashin, publicist Yulia Latynina, and editor-in-chief of "Moscow Komsomolets" Pavel Gusev.

In 2008, Morozov was sentenced to three years in a penal colony after shelling the United Russia office on Kutuzovsky Prospekt in Moscow.

The propagandist himself claimed that in 2014-2015, he took part in hostilities on the territory of Ukraine.

Morozov fought since 2014 as part of the so-called "people's militia of the LPR". According to The Insider, he maintained drones and communication systems.

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