The NSDC Center for Countering Disinformation (CCD) exposed the source of fake videos about the Ukrainian military. The Russian studios, associated with the Ministry of Defense and the military intelligence [aka GRU - Ed.], stand behind this ops.
Points of attention
- Russian studios, together with the Ministry of Defence and the GRU, create fake videos about the Armed Forces to spread disinformation and discredit the Ukrainian military.
- Russian propaganda actively uses fake video plots to simulate realism and increase the effectiveness of influencing the audience.
- Ukrainians are urged to be careful and responsibly approach any suspicious videos that may manipulate information about the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
Russian propaganda creates fake videos about alleged Ukrainian military personnel
The CCD chief, Lt. Andriy Kovalenko, says the studios producing such videos are from Russia and connected to the Ministry of Defense and the Russian military intelligence known by its former abbreviation GRU.
Previously, the Center has repeatedly recorded the spread of fake video materials, allegedly filmed on the front line with the participation of Ukrainian military personnel, who voiced these favourable to Russian propaganda.
In addition, fake videos discrediting the mobilisation and work of the TRC were recorded.
How Russian propagandists learned to improve fake stories for their PsyOps
It is emphasised that the Kremlin propagandists create poor-quality video plots to imitate realism.
It is added that several similar videos have appeared on the network recently and become widely distributed.