Russia's propagandists spread fake news about the "trafficking organs of Ukrainian soldiers"
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Russia's propagandists spread fake news about the "trafficking organs of Ukrainian soldiers"

Center for Countering Disinformation of Ukraine

The Russians are spreading information that the Russian military allegedly found evidence of "trafficking organs of the Ukrainian military" in the Kupiansk direction.

Fake news about trafficking organs is being spread in Russia

According to the propagandists, "permanent points for the removal of organs and separation of body parts" are located in the city of Izyum and the village of Borova in the Kharkiv region.

In fact, the information spread by the invaders is not true. Such fakes are part of the hostile "Black Transplantology" campaign, the purpose of which is to discredit the military-political leadership of Ukraine and create a negative image of the state in the eyes of the international community, the Center for Countering Disinformation (CCD) notes.

The information campaign about black transplantation has been spread by the enemy since 2014. For this, Russian liars create fake stories, documents, articles and news.

Previously, the enemy had already spread a fake story about black transplantation in the temporarily occupied Severodonetsk when it was under the control of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The world mass media lie about Ukraine, Russia and hostilities — CCD analysis

The CCD team compiled a list of the main fakes previously promoted by the world media:

  1. Germany broke its promise and colluded with the US to expand NATO. As a result, hundreds of thousands of people died;

  2. Western support for the Ukrainian military will only mean more dead Ukrainians and further degradation of the Western economy;

  3. Biden and Zelenskyy are responsible for every death in the Ukrainian war;

  4. President Zelenskyy sent his people to raid and seize churches, canceled the elections and is sending Christians en masse to their deaths:

  5. Ukraine is a "Nazi state dominated by Bandera ideology";

  6. There is no evidence that Putin is interested in capturing all of Ukraine and conquering the countries of Eastern Europe;

  7. Zelenskyy fired Zaluzhnyi because he lost the war. His problem is no longer in organizing victory, but in managing defeat.

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