Scholz advised Russia to forget about the victory in the war against Ukraine
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Scholz advised Russia to forget about the victory in the war against Ukraine

Olaf Scholz
Source:  German government

According to German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, the Kremlin will not be able to realize its own intentions in the unleashed criminal war against Ukraine.

Points of attention

  • Olaf Scholz believes that Russia will not achieve victory in the war against Ukraine and urges the Kremlin to abandon its imperialist plans.
  • Supporting Ukraine in defending its independence and sovereignty is crucial to achieving a just peace, according to Scholz.
  • Scholz emphasizes the significance of international cooperation and adherence to international law in resolving the conflict and promoting stability.
  • The Chancellor plans to participate in the Global Peace Summit to advocate for peace and call on Russia to end its aggression against Ukraine.
  • Scholz's position reflects global support for Ukraine and condemnation of Russian aggression, emphasizing the importance of working towards peace and security.

Scholz does not believe in the victory of Russia in the war against Ukraine

Scholz emphasized that after more than 800 days since the start of the criminal war unleashed by Russia against Ukraine, it is clear that the Kremlin is not going to give up its own imperialist plans.

However, the Chancellor of Germany stressed that Ukraine will not allow itself to be brought to its knees and surrender.

Putin must realize that he cannot win his brutal campaign. That for Ukraine there can only be a just peace. We work tirelessly for this just peace. To be clear, working for peace does not mean simply raising a white flag. ... The policy of peace means that we support Ukraine in protecting its independence and sovereignty and that we remain prudent, that we always weigh the dangers, that we coordinate with our partners and allies, - emphasized Scholz.

Scholz about the Peace Summit in Switzerland

The Chancellor of Germany reminded that the Global Peace Summit will be held in Switzerland next weekend.

I will campaign there, especially among representatives of Asia, Africa and South America, to make it clear to Russia that we abide by international law and the Charter of the United Nations. And that is why Russia must stop its war of aggression. This is the way to a just peace. Peace, which no one wants more than Ukrainians. Peace, which we also want. That is why we support Ukraine and thereby do not endanger peace here in Germany. This is my position since the beginning of the war of aggression against Russia, - emphasized the head of the German government.

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