SSU serves notice of suspicion to Russian General Baranov
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SSU serves notice of suspicion to Russian General Baranov

Security Service of Ukraine (SSU)

When preparing air strikes in Ukraine, the unit of Russian Major General Robert Baranov compares the coordinates of targets received from the command of the General Staff of the Russian Federation with the location of civilian objects on maps. And he knows exactly what is hitting the Ukrainian civilian population.

Russian General Baranov received suspicion from the SSU

The Security Service gathered evidence on Russian Major General Robert Baranov, the head of the main computing center of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces.

According to the investigation, the suspect's unit is responsible for the accuracy of Russian missile strikes on Ukraine.

This was reported by the SSU press service.

In particular, Baranov's subordinates are engaged in programming the trajectories of cruise and ballistic missiles in order to avoid the area of action of our anti-aircraft defence, and also specify specific targets to be hit by missile weapons.

First of all, it is about the guidance of Kalibr cruise missiles, Kh-101/555 and Iskander ballistic missiles.

According to the materials of the case, the enemy clearly understands that it is programming a significant part of Russian weapons for fire damage to the peaceful, civilian infrastructure of Ukraine.

Thus, the Rashists are deliberately hitting Ukrainian peaceful objects.

Since the beginning of the full-scale aggression of the Russian Federation, including from missiles programmed to damage civilian infrastructure, at least 520 children have died.

On the basis of the collected evidence, the investigators of the Security Service notified Baranov in absentia of the suspicion under Part 2 of Art. 28, Part 1, Art. 2 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (violation of the laws and customs of war, combined with intentional murder).

In addition, the SSU identified the identities of 30 of his subordinates who were directly involved in committing crimes against our state.

The materials collected by the Security Service will be used in the investigation of Russian war crimes by the prosecutors of the International Criminal Court.

How Shoigu involuntarily disclosed all details of work of Omsktransmash enterprise

Ukrainian military and political commentator Oleksandr Kovalenko drew attention to the fact that the visit of the head of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation Serhei Shoigu to the enterprise "Omsktransmash", where T-80BVM tanks are being modernised for the occupying Russian army, revealed all the details about the work and production volumes of the plant.

Kovalenko notes that in the videos and photos released by the Russian propaganda media, you can clearly see what the T-80BVMs are made of for the Russian occupiers, as well as the actual extent of their modernisation.

T-80 tanks are restored and modernized at the Omsktransmash plant. There is no production of new tanks from scratch there, although the Russian leadership has set itself the task of restoring it. The restoration and modernization of the T-80 allows the plant to issue a guaranteed company set of T-80BVM of the 2022 model per month. Depending on the maintainability of combat vehicles and the depth of modernization, the indicator can be increased to two company sets, but not more than a battalion, the analyst emphasises.

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