Injury toll after Russian today's strike on Kharkiv region rose to 23
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Injury toll after Russian today's strike on Kharkiv region rose to 23

Oleg Sinegubov / Kharkiv OVA

On July 13, the Russian occupiers struck a double blow at railway facilities and rolling stock in the village of Budy in the Kharkiv region. Two people died, 23 were injured.

Points of attention

  • Recent Russian attack in Budy, Kharkiv region resulted in two deaths and 23 injuries, including railway workers and law enforcement officers.
  • The deliberate and brutal nature of Russian attacks on emergency services and the civilian population is emphasized by authorities.
  • The Russian enemy struck twice within half an hour, causing casualties when specialized services were present, including emergency responders and law enforcement officers.
  • Responsibility for attacks targeting emergency services and civilians will be pursued through legal means and on the battlefield, according to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  • The number of victims in the terrorist act by the Russian Federation in Buda has increased, with 23 individuals reported injured as of the latest update.

Russia twice hit Budy in the Kharkiv region

According to preliminary information, five railway workers were injured:

  • driver,

  • head of the station,

  • on duty at the station,

  • senior journeyman,

  • train assembler.

Three railway workers with shrapnel wounds and concussion were hospitalized, two more received medical assistance on the spot. The wagons were hit, the fires that arose due to the enemy strike were quickly contained.

The head of Kharkiv OVA Oleg Sinegubov reported that two people were killed during the attack. Among them is Artem Kostyria, the head of the Kharkiv District Department of State Emergency Services in the Kharkiv region.

Artem Kostyria

A total of 22 people were injured — 16 men and 6 women aged 14 to 81. Two people are in serious condition, 13 are in moderate condition, the others are in mild condition.

Oleg Sinegubov

Oleg Sinegubov

Head of Kharkiv OVA

He emphasized that the enemy purposefully struck two times with an interval of half an hour, when all specialized services were already in place.

In addition, the law enforcement officers reported that as a result of the attack, a police officer of the reaction sector of the patrol police of the Kharkiv district police department, senior police sergeant Oleksiy Koshchii, died.

Oleksiy Koshchii

This is not the first time Russia has attacked emergency services when they were rescuing civilians. For each such crime there will be responsibility and an answer — in the courts and on the battlefield, — emphasized the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

As of 8:32 p.m., 23 people were injured as a result of the terrorist act of the Russian Federation in Buda.

What is known about the shelling of Buda village

As of 17:18, 16 victims were recorded. Nine people were hospitalized, including one child.

As a result of the attack by the Russians, the ambulance that arrived on call was damaged.

Later, the death toll rose to two. 22 victims are known, Synegubov said.

According to him, the Russians later struck the village again. The number of wounded has increased.

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