Strike of the Russian Federation on Okhmatdyt. Ukraine identified the general responsible for the attack
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Strike of the Russian Federation on Okhmatdyt. Ukraine identified the general responsible for the attack

Strike of the Russian Federation on Okhmatdyt. Ukraine identified the general responsible for the attack
Source:  Public

Ukraine has identified one of those involved in the shelling of the Okhmatdyt Children's Specialized Hospital on July 8, 2024. This is the current commander of the Russian Air Force, Lieutenant General Serhiy Kobylash.

Points of attention

  • Lieutenant General of the Russian Federation Serhii Kobylash was identified as having carried out a rocket attack on the "Okhmatdyt" children's hospital in Kyiv.
  • The investigation established that the rocket was launched by the Russian military on the orders of Kobylash, which caused the death of two people and the wounding of 35 people.
  • General Kobylash is suspected of violating the laws of war and intentional murder, for which life imprisonment may be imposed.
  • Okhmatdyt Hospital suffered huge damage from the rocket attack, after which the children were evacuated to other medical facilities for assistance.
  • After this tragedy, it is known about other war crimes of Lieutenant General of the Russian Federation Serhiy Kobylash in Ukraine, for which he faces punishment.

General Kobylash of the Russian Federation was involved in the rocket attack on the Okhmatdyt hospital

As noted, on September 10, Prosecutor General Andriy Kostin together with Prosecutor Karim Khan visited the hospital.

During the investigation, 112 victims and 50 witnesses were interrogated, explosives, forensic and other examinations were conducted, and surveillance video was analyzed.

The investigation established that on July 8, 2024, at 09:15, on the orders of Kobylash, a Russian Tu-95MS bomber-missile carrier launched an Kh-101 missile at a children's hospital in Kyiv.

The shelling of "Okhmatdyt" was carried out by the 22nd Guards Heavy Bomber Aviation Division of the Long-range Aviation of the Russian Aerospace Forces.

It was found that the plane took off from an airfield near Olenegorsk in Russia, and the missile was launched over the Saratov region of the Russian Federation, almost 600 km from the Ukrainian border.

Lieutenant General of the Russian Federation Serhiy Kobylash (photo — from open sources)

The Kh-101 missile entered Ukrainian airspace in the Chernihiv region and began maneuvering, constantly changing its trajectory through four Ukrainian regions to avoid Ukrainian air defense. At approximately 10:45 a.m., a rocket hit the department of intensive and efferent therapy of the "Okhmatdyt" hospital.

As a result of the impact, two people died, including a pediatric nephrologist, and another 35 were injured, including 9 children. Administrative buildings, medical, laboratory and diagnostic buildings, a transformer substation, utility rooms and the hospital's heating station were damaged.

At the scene of the incident, fragments of a rocket were found with markings confirming its manufacture at the "KB Raduga" enterprise in the second quarter of 2024.

On the basis of the collected evidence, SBU investigators charged Kobylash in absentia under Part 2 of Art. 28, Part 2 of Art. 438 of the Criminal Code (violation of the laws and customs of war, combined with intentional murder, committed by a group of persons according to a prior conspiracy).

The maximum penalty for this crime is life imprisonment. Kostin said that the case may be transferred to the International Criminal Court.

It will be recalled that Kobylash is also suspected of other war crimes in Ukraine, in particular, of directing the shelling of civilian energy infrastructure in 2022-2023. In March 2024, the International Criminal Court issued a warrant for his arrest for these crimes.

By the way, after the criminal attack on the Ohmadit Children's Hospital in Kyiv on July 8, 2024, one of the pilots of the 22nd Heavy Bomber Aviation Division of the Russian Army contacted the chatbot of the GUR of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. He handed Ukraine official documents of those involved in the shelling.

Russian missile attack on Okhmatdyt. What is known

"Okhmatdyt" is the largest children's hospital in Ukraine, where more than 20,000 children from all over the country are treated every year.

On July 8, the aggressor country of the Russian Federation hit it with a missile and completely destroyed the toxicology building. Four more buildings of the medical facility were damaged.

10 surgical departments, five oncology departments, two somatic departments, intensive care, two intensive care units, operating units, radiology and radiation therapy departments, and part of the hematology oncology laboratory were affected.

Currently, the children have been evacuated to other hospitals in the capital.

Two adults have been confirmed dead in the "Okhmatdyt" hospital. One of them is a young doctor at a medical institution. Currently, 16 victims are known. Eight of them are children. 15 victims were hospitalized.

Later it became known that the boy died who was in the intensive care unit of "Okhmatdyt" at the time of the Russian missile attack on July 8.

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