Telegram bans Ingushetia National Movement channel by alleged Russian special services request
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Telegram bans Ingushetia National Movement channel by alleged Russian special services request

Telegram bans Ingushetia National Movement channel by alleged Russian special services request

The Telegram messenger closed the Ingush Independence Committee (IIN) channel. Before that, a Russian propaganda campaign was conducted to discredit IIN.

Points of attention


  • Political scientists note that Telegram's actions indicate its cooperation with Russian special services and work in their interests.
  • The Ingush Independence Committee continues its activities through the creation of a new channel in the Telegram messenger after blocking the previous one.
  • Using the Telegram messenger can be dangerous, as it does not protect users' personal data and may cooperate with Russian special services.
  • The public discussion of the blocking of the channel of the Ingush Independence Committee in Telegram indicates the significance of the messenger's political influence on the region.

Why Telegram blocked the Ingush Independence Committee channel

As noted by political scientist Mykhailo Besarab, the closing of the IIN channel may also be related to the events in Dagestan. It also indicates that the Telegram messenger works in the interests of the Russian special services.

The Kremlin is aware of the danger from the North Caucasus and other regions populated by "non-Russians". Periodic armed clashes between the local underground and the Russian occupiers take place in Ingushetia. Events in Dagestan are getting out of control. It got to the point that during the last exchange, the Russian Federation refused to take captured Dagestanis from Ukraine. For some time now, the Russians have not taken away the bodies of the dead Dagestanis, so as not to disturb the local population with another funeral of those killed in the "SMO", Mykhailo Besarab notes.

The political scientist also mentions that in the fall of 2023, Telegram blocked the "Morning of Dagestan" channel during the protest actions in Dagestan.

In addition, during a mass protest in Bashkortostan in winter, a number of channels of the Bashkir national liberation movement were closed.

Do we need other evidence that Telegram works in the interests of the Russian Federation, if this service always comes to the aid of the Moscow special services? This is only what is on the surface, — concluded Besarab.

The Ingush Independence Committee Chairman, Ansar Garkho, reacted by blocking the Telegram channel.

He noted that the organisation has created a new channel, so they continue to work as usual.

Blocking the channel will not affect our activities in any way, but on the contrary, it indicates the correctness and efficiency of our work, — said Ansar Garkho .

The "Ingush Independence Committee" was founded in January 2023 and has its headquarters in Turkey. The Committee advocates Ingushetia's withdrawal from the Russian Federation and the establishment of an independent Ingush state. It also does not recognize the Chechen-Ingush agreements of 2018, according to which about 9% of Ingushetia's territory came under the control of Chechnya, and demands the return of the lands.

In January, the "Committee for Ingush Independence" was added to the register of so-call” to the register of so-called "foreign agents" by the Russian Ministry of Justice. Its representatives participated in the "Forum of Free Peoples of Postrossia", which was recognized by Russia as an "undesirable organization" in March 2023.

Why is it dangerous to use Telegram?

The Telegram messenger does not protect users' data and even saves deleted messages. journalists tried to find out whether Ukrainians' personal information could be accessed by the FSB.

In addition, Telegram has been repeatedly accused of spreading hate, pornography, and drug and contraband trafficking. Messenger is used with impunity by terrorist groups such as ISIS.

One example of a shameless leak of personal data by messenger to the FSB is the story of journalist Igor Bondarenko.

The man tried to leave the occupied part of Kherson, but he was caught.

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