The analyst assessed the effectiveness of the use of the F-16 in Ukraine
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The analyst assessed the effectiveness of the use of the F-16 in Ukraine

F-16 fighter
Source:  NV

According to Defense Express editor-in-chief Oleg Katkov, Western fighters, in particular the F-16, will have to operate at a distance from the front line to avoid destruction.

Points of attention

  • The use of F-16 in Ukraine imposes restrictions on operating at a distance from the front line to avoid destruction and counter the aircraft of the Russian army.
  • The latest version of AIM AMRAAM missile with a range of 160 km enhances the F-16's capability to chase and destroy enemy aircraft.
  • Necessary reforms in the methods and tactics of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are crucial to achieve maximum efficiency in countering the overwhelming forces of the Russian Federation.
  • The need for a complete restructuring of the Ukrainian Air Force's tactics, techniques, and procedures is highlighted by Western analysts to adapt to the current military threats.
  • Flexible and coordinated style of warfare is deemed essential for the Ukrainian military to effectively combat the Russian forces and enhance their operational capabilities.

What restrictions will arise during the use of the F-16 in Ukraine

The fact is that the situation is mirrored. The enemy also does not use its tactical aircraft closer than 40 km, except for Su-25 attack aircraft. In particular, all Su-34 front-line bombers, Su-35, and Su-30 fighters are also kept at a distance of more than 40 km from the front. And they drop planning bombs from exactly this distance - 40-50 km from the front line, Katkov emphasized.

According to him, under such conditions, F-16s will be able to perform combat missions against the aircraft of the criminal army of the Russian Federation, which drops corrected FAB aerial bombs.

Ukraine will be able to use the F-16 to counter the aircraft of the Russian army
F-16 fighter

But the missile version is very important. Not just AIM AMRAAM missiles will be added to it, but there should be the last one - the eighth. With a range of 160 km. With this F-16 missile, they will be able to realize the task of not only driving away, but also shooting down. Because there is a launch range of 160 km, the missile will be able to catch up with an aircraft performing an anti-aircraft maneuver. In the event that old missiles are given, for example, S-5 with a range of 110 km, it will still be possible to drive them away, but not to destroy them, - emphasizes the analyst.

What Western analysts say

The Air Force of the Armed Forces needs to completely change the methods of conducting combat operations.

In a report for the Mitchell Institute think tank, analysts David Deptula and Christopher Bowie noted that the leadership of the Air Force should abandon Soviet-Russian doctrine and tactics, techniques and procedures.

Faced with the overwhelming forces and means of the Russian Federation, the Ukrainian military must achieve maximum efficiency from its troops. This means a flexible, coordinated style of warfare. These reforms will not be easy.

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