The anniversary of the battles for Ilovaisk. Budanov reminded why compromises with Putin are a trap
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The anniversary of the battles for Ilovaisk. Budanov reminded why compromises with Putin are a trap

Kyrylo Budanov
The anniversary of the battles for Ilovaisk. Budanov reminded why compromises with Putin are a trap

On the 10th anniversary of the battles for Ilovaisk, the head of the Main Directorate of Intelligence, Kyrylo Budanov, remembered all Ukrainian defenders who died in the war with Russia and emphasized that any compromise with Putin is a trap.

Points of attention

  • Kyrylo Budanov reminded everyone about the importance of commemorating the fallen defenders during the 10-year anniversary of the battles for Ilovaisk
  • Putin cannot be trusted at all, and compromises with him are a trap.
  • The Ilovai tragedy in 2014 was one of the biggest losses of the Ukrainian military: hundreds of soldiers were killed, dozens went missing
  • Russian troops violated agreements and opened fire to destroy, shooting Ukrainian convoys on the march

Budanov called to honor and remember all fallen defenders of Ukraine

Addressing the employees of military intelligence, Budanov reminded that August 29 is an important date for each of them - the Day of Remembrance of defenders who died in the struggle for independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine.

Today marks ten years since Ukraine was shocked by the terrible news about the insidious shooting of Ukrainian soldiers, whose path lay through a sunflower field. That is why the sunflower became the traditional symbol of the memorial day, - noted Kyrylo Budanov.

The intelligence chief recalled the fierce battles between the Ukrainian defenders and the invaders of the Russian Federation near Ilovaisk for a month and the so-called the promised "green corridor", which became the road of death for hundreds of soldiers and volunteers.

Russian troops violated the agreements and opened fire to destroy, shooting Ukrainian columns on the march. Hundreds of soldiers and volunteers died, dozens went missing. Then these events became a huge lesson - Putin cannot be trusted at all, any compromise with him is a trap.

Kyrylo Budanov

Kyrylo Budanov

Head of GUR

What is known about the Ilovai tragedy

At the end of August 2014, after intense fighting, ATO forces found themselves surrounded near Ilovaisk in the Donetsk region.

On the night of August 28-29, the illegitimate president of Russia, Vladimir Putin, called on the militants to provide the Ukrainian military with a humanitarian corridor for a safe exit from the encirclement. However, Russian troops shelled this corridor, violating the agreement.

The Ilovai tragedy was one of the biggest losses of the Ukrainian military since the beginning of the Russian invasion of Donbas: 366 soldiers were officially killed, about 450 were wounded, 300 were captured, and 84 were missing.

On August 14, 2017, the Prosecutor General's Office published the results of the investigation into the events near Ilovaisk, according to which the main culprit of the tragedy is the command of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

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