AP: AFU uses 'elastic band' strategy for stopping current Russia's offensive
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AP: AFU uses 'elastic band' strategy for stopping current Russia's offensive

Source:  AP

While the USA blocked important aid for Ukraine, the soldiers of the Ukrainian Armed Forces had to bide their time in every possible way to stop the Russians. For this, defenders used the "elastic band" strategy.

Points of attention

  • Soldiers of the Armed Forces actively used the tactic of "bend, but don't break."
  • A flexible defense strategy allowed the Ukrainian military to gain time to obtain the necessary weapons.
  • Despite the fact that the soldiers of the Armed Forces retreated from certain areas, they saved the lives of personnel.
  • Ukraine's new strategy contrasts with previous experience in the battle for the city of Bakhmut.

The offensive of the Russian Federation failed thanks to the ingenuity of the Ukrainian soldiers

Foreign journalists draw attention to the fact that the soldiers of the Ukrainian Armed Forces began to actively use the strategy of "bend, but do not break" in anticipation of arms and ammunition from Kyiv's allies.

Despite the fact that the Ukrainian defenders had to cede part of the territory, they were able to conduct combat operations from more protected positions.

Ukraine has deployed a flexible "elastic band" defense strategy to buy time until it is better armed and secured, the report says.

According to the fighters, they made painful decisions about retreating to better protected positions in order to hold the defense more effectively, as well as to save the lives of their comrades.

Analysts draw attention to the fact that time plays a role in such a strategy — you can give up a small territory, but later get more.

The Armed Forces learned the important lessons of the battle for Bakhmut

Importantly, the new strategy contrasts with the nine-month battle for the city of Bakhmut, where Ukrainian defenders suffered heavy losses trying to defend the city.

According to the First Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine Ivan Havryliuk, official Kyiv is already seeing the results of American aid:

Russia's artillery advantage was 7 to 1 at the beginning of the year, but now it has decreased to 5 to 1, he emphasized.

He also added that Ukraine needs at least 130 F-16 fighters to destroy enemy aircraft.

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