The judicial system of Russia cannot recover from a powerful cyberattack by the DIU
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The judicial system of Russia cannot recover from a powerful cyberattack by the DIU

The judicial system of the Russian Federation "went down" for a long time as a result of the cyber attack of the State Government

On October 7, cyber-specialists of the DIU, together with the activists of the "BO Team" group, hacked the Russian state automated system "Pravosodye". Online.UA learned about this from competent sources in military intelligence. It is also worth noting that it was a kind of "gift" and an unpleasant surprise for Russian dictator Vladimir Putin on his birthday. As it turned out, the cyber attack was as effective as possible, because the enemy's judicial services are still not working.

Points of attention

  • The DIU cyberattack on the Russian judicial system caused serious consequences, paralyzing the work of the courts for an indefinite period of time.
  • Also, this attack led to the leakage of confidential user data and stopped the electronic document flow in the courts of the Russian Federation.
  • Cyber specialists of the State Government and activists of the "BO Team" group once again demonstrated the powerful potential of Ukraine against the background of the cyber war with Russia.

The judicial system of the Russian Federation "went down" for a long time as a result of the cyber attack of the State Government

According to the data of the opposition Telegram channel of the Cheka-OGPU, the services of the "Justice" system, which stopped functioning as a result of an attack by cyber experts of the State Government, may not be operational before October 18.

This follows from a letter sent by the Judicial Department of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation to all other courts.

A list of "broken services" has already been leaked to the network:

  • internet sites of federal arbitration courts on the domain;

  • telephony of arbitration courts (Microsoft Lync);

  • "Internet portal" DAS "Pravosodye" (websites of general courts)

  • jurisdiction, departments of the Judicial Department in subjects of the Russian Federation in the domain, websites of world judges in the domain;

  • "Electronic justice" module (EPr,, personal offices of court employees (;

  • PTK VIV, which provides interaction with the help of SMEV; the "EPr-SMEV" module, which provides interaction with the EPHU;

  • PI VKS (schedule of VKS sessions);

  • PI Real Estate;

  • e-mail service of DAS Pravosudya.

Photo: screenshot

Details of the DIU cyber attack on the Russian judicial system

What is important to understand is that thanks to the state automated system Pravosudie, electronic document circulation takes place in all courts of the Russian Federation.

However, cyber specialists of Ukrainian intelligence and activists of the "VO Team" group managed to paralyze all these processes for an indefinite period of time.

Complaints of Russian users about the non-working Pravosudie portal (Photo: screenshot)

The cyber attacker instantly “froze” the work of courts, departmental e-mail boxes and official websites.

Moreover, Ukrainian specialists were able to obtain personal data of users and internal documentation of the system.

Disabled Russian servers

Currently, the Russians report the impossibility of filing lawsuits and reviewing the time of court hearings.

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