DIU reports of AFU's successes of thwarting Russian offensive in Kharkiv region
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DIU reports of AFU's successes of thwarting Russian offensive in Kharkiv region


According to Andrii Yusov, a representative of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine (DIU), in the Kharkiv region near Borova, Ukrainian soldiers thwarted the Russian invaders' offensive and also inflicted significant losses on the enemy.

Points of attention

  • The situation on the northern border of the country remains tense, and the enemy is trying to stretch Ukrainian forces and distract them from the situation in the East.
  • The Russian occupiers have suffered significant losses in manpower and equipment as a result of an unsuccessful offensive attempt in the Kharkiv region.
  • Although the Ukrainian defenders broke the enemy's intentions near Borova, the threat of a second offensive by the Russian army remains high.

Another offensive attempt by the Russian army turned out to be a failure

If we talk about Borova and the direction, the Ukrainian defenders broke the enemy's intentions there, the losses in manpower and equipment are significant.

Andriy Yusov

Andriy Yusov

Representative of DIU

Despite this, as a representative of Ukrainian intelligence noted, the enemy does not stop trying to raise reserves, so the threat of a second offensive is quite real.

Andrii Yusov draws attention to the fact that, as of now, there is no question of the formation of new powerful groups.

What is important to understand is that in the north of the Kharkiv region, the Armed Forces of Ukraine were able to successfully thwart the plans of the Russian army.

That is why the enemy is forced to transfer reserves, in particular, from other directions, which are very sensitive for the occupiers.

This indicates great losses and the fact that the situation for them is definitely not going according to plan, - emphasizes Andriy Yusov.

According to him, the situation on the northern border of the country remains just as tense and dangerous.

The enemy will continue to try to stretch Ukrainian reserves and distract from the situation in the East.

What is known about the losses of the Russian army

The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02.22 to 210.06.24 approximately amounted to:

  • personnel — about 531,980 (+1,060) people,

  • tanks — 8001 (+14) units,

  • armored combat vehicles — 15,372 (+35) units,

  • artillery systems — 14106 (+54) units,

  • RSZV — 1106 (+1) units,

  • air defense equipment — 861 (+2) units,

  • aircraft — 359 (+0) units,

  • helicopters — 326 (+0) units,

  • UAV of the operational-tactical level — 11260 (+0),

  • cruise missiles — 2298 (+0),

  • ships/boats — 28 (+0) units,

  • submarines — 1 (+0) units,

  • automotive equipment and tank trucks – 19,181 (+47) units,

  • of special equipment - 2,367 (+10) more than the situation in the East, - added the head of the GUR.

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