The Pentagon discovered a serious error in calculations regarding aid to Ukraine
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The Pentagon discovered a serious error in calculations regarding aid to Ukraine

The Pentagon
Source:  Reuters

The US Department of Defense found errors in the accounting calculations of military aid for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. It is about 2 billion dollars.

Points of attention

  • The Pentagon discovered an error in the calculations of military aid for the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the amount of 2 billion dollars due to accounting problems.
  • An accurate estimate of the value of the equipment provided to Ukraine caused confusion due to the incorrect use of accounting terms.
  • The new US military aid package for Ukraine worth $225 million will be provided under the PDA mechanism.
  • The USA also announced the delivery of the Patriot anti-aircraft missile complex and other weapons to the Armed Forces, as well as Javelin anti-tank systems and Stinger missiles.

The US will provide $2 billion in military aid to Ukraine

According to journalists, the US Department of Defense faced difficulties in accurately estimating the cost of military equipment that was provided to the Armed Forces.

This problem arose due to unclear definitions in accounting.

For example, the Pentagon said last year that it used "replacement value" instead of "depreciated value" to calculate the billions in materials sent to Ukraine.

This led to a miscalculation of $6.2 billion, which was later used to send new aid.

It is important to understand that since then another 2 billion dollars of overspending has been discovered.

Journalists draw attention to the fact that the armed forces may soon receive $2 billion worth of weapons, given the current situation.

What is known about the new American military aid package for Ukraine

On July 11, official Washington announced the allocation of another package of military aid to Ukraine in the amount of 225 million dollars.

It is worth noting that they intend to provide it within the framework of the PDA (Presidential Drawdown Authority) mechanism, which provides for the supply of weapons directly from the warehouses of the American army.

Ukraine will soon receive one battery of the Patriot anti-aircraft missile complex.

Its provision has already been announced by American leader Joe Biden.

In addition, it is indicated that the Armed Forces will transfer:

  • ammunition for NASAMS and HIMARS systems,

  • anti-aircraft missiles Stinger,

  • 155-mm and 105-mm artillery shells,

  • TOW missiles,

  • Javelin and AT-4 anti-tank complexes, ammunition for small arms,

  • explosive munitions and spare parts.

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