The police have identified two Russian soldiers who killed an SBU officer in Buch
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The police have identified two Russian soldiers who killed an SBU officer in Buch

Security Service of Ukraine (SSU)
The police have identified two Russian soldiers who killed an SBU officer in Buch

The SBU and the National Police gathered evidence against two Russian soldiers. During the occupation of Buchi, they tortured to death Colonel Oleksiy Telizhenko, the assistant rector of the SBU National Academy.

Points of attention

  • Two soldiers of the Russian Federation killed a SBU officer in Bucha during the occupation and sweeps in the Kyiv region.
  • The suspects are the commander of the 175th separate reconnaissance battalion and his deputy.
  • The Russian military brutally tortured to death Colonel Oleksiy Telizhenko, who was found along with eight other dead civilians.
  • SBU investigators informed the suspects of violations of the laws and customs of war, for which both face life imprisonment.

The Russian military tortured Oleksiy Telizhenka to death

As noted, the suspects are the commander of the 175th separate reconnaissance battalion of the 76th airborne assault division of the Russian Airborne Forces, Lieutenant Colonel Denys Suvorov and his deputy, Captain Aslan Kaskulov.

At the beginning of the full-scale invasion, they took part in the capture of the territory of the Kyiv region and carried out so-called "cleansing". Under their leadership, subordinates broke into the homes of local residents and robbed them.

On March 6, 2022, during one such raid in Buch, the Russian military arrested Oleksiy Telizhenko and brought him to a command post in a forest strip near Vorzel. Suvorov and Kaskulov ordered their subordinates to tie the Ukrainian officer to a tree and began to torture him.

According to the investigation, Suvorov personally struck the victim's head and torso with his hands and feet, and then stuck a wooden peg into the wound on the head. The torture lasted for several hours, after which the half-conscious Telizhenko was thrown into a pit, where he died from his injuries and the cold.

After the de-occupation of Kyiv Oblast, the body of the tortured officer was found at the scene of the crime along with eight more murdered civilians.

What is the punishment for war criminals?

SBU investigators informed Suvorov and Kaskulov in absentia about the suspicion under Part 2 of Art. 28, Part 1, Art. 2 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (violations of the laws and customs of war, committed by a group of persons according to a prior conspiracy).

Currently, comprehensive measures are being taken to find and punish them.

Both face life imprisonment.

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