The Russian army fired on ICRC trucks in Donetsk region ― three Ukrainians were killed
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The Russian army fired on ICRC trucks in Donetsk region ― three Ukrainians were killed

Dmytro Lubinets
Donetsk region

On September 12, Russia attacked Virolyubivka in Donetsk region. Ular arrived on the cars of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). Three full-time employees of the ICRC were killed, two were wounded.

Points of attention

  • The recent attack on ICRC trucks in Donetsk region by the Russian army resulted in the tragic deaths of three Ukrainian humanitarian workers.
  • President Zelenskyi calls for a strong international response to Russia's aggressive actions and emphasizes the need to halt Russian aggression in Ukraine.
  • Law enforcement authorities have initiated an investigation into the violation of laws and customs of war due to the shelling of the ICRC humanitarian mission trucks.
  • The silence of ICRC and IFRC regarding the incident is seen as enabling the criminal policy of the Russian Federation, according to Ukrainian Ombudsman Lubinets.
  • The Russian army's attack on the hotel in Mykolaivka, resulting in casualties, further emphasizes the ongoing conflict and violence in Donetsk region.

Russia struck Red Cross trucks

Another Russian war crime. Today, the occupier attacked the vehicles of the humanitarian mission of the International Committee of the Red Cross in Donetsk region.

This was announced by the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi.

As of now, it is known about two wounded people — they are being provided with all the necessary assistance. Unfortunately, three people were killed by this Russian strike. My condolences to family and friends.

Volodymyr Zelenskyi

Volodymyr Zelenskyi

President of Ukraine

Zelenskyi said that everything is absolutely obvious in the Russian Federation's war against Ukraine: Russia carries evil, Ukraine protects life.

And if someone wants to hear "both sides", then in Russia it is perceived only as permission to continue killing.

The world must react firmly and principledly. One cannot remain indifferent to both countries and international organizations. Only together can the world force Russia to stop this terror and force Moscow to seek peace.

According to the data of the Ombudsman of Ukraine Dmytro Lubinets, all employees were in the truck used to transport humanitarian aid.

It is already known about the shelling, but the ICRC, as well as the IFRC, are silent! No reaction, condemnation or expression of sympathy! Thus, this silence only covers the criminal policy of the Russian Federation.

Dmytro Lubinets

Dmytro Lubinets

Ombudsman of Ukraine

He emphasized that the ICRC "must officially and publicly recognize" Russia's violation of the norms of the Geneva Conventions.

The Prosecutor General's Office clarified that the Red Cross employees arrived in the settlement to give local residents fuel briquettes for heating their homes. At the time of the shelling, they were unloading the delivered aid.

Those who survived were diagnosed with shrapnel wounds and mine-explosive injuries. Both victims were taken to a medical facility, one of them is in serious condition.

Law enforcement officers opened proceedings under part 2 of Art. 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine — violation of the laws and customs of war. A pre-trial investigation is underway.

The bodies of men were recovered from the rubble of the hotel in Mykolaivka

Russian invaders dropped aerial bombs on a hotel in Mykolaivka, Donetsk region, on September 7. As of 3:30 p.m. on September 8, at least two people are known to have died.

According to the representatives of the local authorities, at the time of the attack there were animal volunteers from Kharkiv who came to sterilize and vaccinate animals for free.

According to preliminary data, the Russian army struck several anti-aircraft guns.

Subsequently, the Donetsk regional prosecutor's office officially announced that the bodies of two men were unblocked from under the rubble of the hotel.

It is also reported that the Russian occupiers launched an attack with FAB-250 aerial bombs from the UMPK.

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