The Russian occupiers began conscripting residents of the TOT of the Kherson region for conscript service
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The Russian occupiers began conscripting residents of the TOT of the Kherson region for conscript service

military service

Volodymyr Saldo, the Gauleiter of the temporarily occupied part of the Kherson region, announced the conscription of Ukrainian citizens for conscription in the Russian army, which began on October 1, 2024 and will continue until the end of the year.

Points of attention

  • Russian occupiers in the Kherson region are conscripting Ukrainian citizens for military service in the Russian army, sparking protests from Ukraine and the EU.
  • The conscription process involves gathering information about potential recruits through various sources, including educational institutions and health insurance records.
  • The occupiers are using tactics like encouraging citizens to report disloyalty to identify individuals subject to conscription, emphasizing the need to leave occupied territories for safety.
  • The conscripts are said to serve in parts of the Southern Military District, allegedly not directly involved in the conflict, raising concerns about the manipulation of the local population for military purposes.
  • The actions of the Russian occupiers have been denounced by Ukraine and the EU as a violation of international law, with strong protests against the forced conscription in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine.

Russia has started the first conscription for military service in Kherson region

Collaborator Saldo said that the conscripts will serve their time in parts of the Southern Military District.

According to him, they will not serve in the territory where the "SVO" is held, and they will not be involved in the performance of its tasks.

The First Deputy Chairman of the Kherson Regional Council, Yuriy Sobolevsky, said that currently there is no mass preparation for the draft in the occupied territories, but the statements of the occupying authorities indicate plans to use the local population for the needs of the Russian army.

We'll see how realistic it will be. It was clear that sooner or later the enemy would use our human resources so that our people would participate in this war.

According to Sobolevskyi, the occupiers actively collect information about potential conscripts through educational institutions, social registers and health insurance.

They collect information everywhere.

He also noted that the occupiers encourage people to report disloyalty to the Russian regime or support for the Armed Forces, which can be used to identify citizens who are subject to conscription.

Sobolevsky emphasized that the only reliable way to protect oneself from the draft is to leave the occupied territories to EU countries or other safe regions, but not to the Russian Federation.

Russia is throwing the residents of Ukraine's TOT into the war

The day before, the illegitimate president of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, signed a decree on the autumn draft in Russia from October 1 to December 31. Since in his imagination the occupied territories are part of the Russian Federation, forced "conscription" will be carried out there as well.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine expressed a strong protest in connection with this decision, recalling that Russia grossly violates its international legal obligations, in particular the Geneva Convention on the Protection of the Civilian Population in Time of War.

The European Union called the implementation of a "military draft" of the Russian army in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine a violation of international law.

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