The shortage of workers in Russia has reached a historical maximum
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The shortage of workers in Russia has reached a historical maximum

Enterprises of the Russian Federation

According to the Central Bank of the aggressor country of the Russian Federation, the shortage of workers at enterprises has reached a historical maximum against the background of the involvement of Russian men in the criminal war unleashed by the Kremlin against Ukraine.

Points of attention

  • The shortage of workers in Russia has reached a historical maximum, creating challenges for enterprises and the overall economy.
  • Enterprises are adopting measures such as increasing wages and attracting outside workers to address the workforce shortage.
  • The unprecedented shortage of workers may lead to price increases, decreased investment activity, and potential reduction in production in Russia.
  • The workforce plays a crucial role in Russia's economic development, necessitating careful monitoring and balanced solutions.
  • Despite high profits, the lack of workers is hindering investment activity and may result in production cutbacks in the future.

What is known about the historical record for the shortage of workers in Russia

It is noted that of the 13,300 companies that participated in the monitoring, the greatest shortage of workers was observed at enterprises processing and manufacturing investment and consumer products.

Businesses in Russia faced a record shortage of workers
Enterprise in the Russian Federation

It is emphasized that enterprises are trying to solve the problem by increasing the work schedule for existing employees, increasing wages and introducing additional payments for part-time work, engaging employees of third-party organizations under subcontracts, as well as modernizing and buying new equipment.

What will threaten the aggressor country with an unprecedented shortage of workers at enterprises

However, capacity utilization in the third quarter was close to peak levels at 80.4% (the previous record was at the end of 2023 at 80.7%).

In addition, enterprises that plan to increase demand for their own products and production volumes are preparing to increase prices.

However, these trends require more workers, who are increasingly difficult to find.

The lack of people in businesses will continue to translate into higher wages and prices as long as profits (they are still high) allow. But this factor is already inhibiting investment activity, and at some point companies may begin to reduce production (until this happens), because they will not be able to support it with the number of employees

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