The SSU is behind the successful liquidation of collaborator Popov in Luhansk
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The SSU is behind the successful liquidation of collaborator Popov in Luhansk

Oleg Popov
Source:  UNIAN

SSU special agents organized the successful detonation of the car of the so-called "LPR deputy" Oleg Popov in Russian-occupied Luhansk.

What is known about the liquidation of Popov by SSU special forces

According to law enforcement officials, on December 6, a car carrying the so-called "deputy of the LPR" and war criminal Oleg Popov exploded in Russian-occupied Luhansk.

Kremlin propaganda initially began to state that Popov was allegedly seriously wounded, but later recognized his death.

It was a completely legitimate goal, because before becoming a deputy, Popov managed many Russian charities, led illegal armed groups and killed Ukrainians, representatives of law enforcement agencies say.

It is noted that Popov headed the "Committee on State Security and Defense" in the so-called "LPR".

Undermining the leader is the best advertisement for the effectiveness of this committee's work, law enforcement officers noted.

Popov was born on April 16, 1972 in Luhansk. After graduating from vocational school, he worked as an electric and gas welder at the Luhansk Diesel Locomotive Plant. He worked as a freight forwarder and an economist at the Luhansk plant of mining rescue equipment "Horizont".

Until 2014, he was engaged in private entrepreneurship in producing children's and adult knitted products. Elected "deputy of the LRP People's Council" of the first and third convocations.

At the beginning of this year, propaganda media reported on an alleged possible assassination attempt on Popov, but the traitor survived.

What is known about the liquidation of collaborators in Luhansk

On November 8, an explosion rang out in temporarily occupied Luhansk. Later it became known that the car of the former "Chief of Police of the LPR" Mykhailo Filiponenko, who was a so-called deputy of the "Supreme Council of the LPR" exploded.

The occupier died at the scene from injuries received as a result of the explosion.

The DIU said that the death of Filiponenko was the result of a joint special operation of the DIU and the resistance movement.

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