White House doesn't rule out Trump to cancel signed security agreement with Ukraine
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White House doesn't rule out Trump to cancel signed security agreement with Ukraine

Jake Sullivan
Source:  online.ua

According to Jake Sullivan, US President Joe Biden's national security adviser, if Donald Trump wins the election, he may terminate the agreement with Ukraine on security guarantees.

Points of attention

  • The White House is not ruling out the possibility of Trump terminating the security agreement with Ukraine, raising concerns about the future of their cooperation.
  • History shows examples of governments canceling agreements, but the importance of honoring commitments remains crucial for the US in international relations.
  • Trump's threats of cancelling aid to Ukraine and criticizing President Zelenskyi are intensifying discussions on foreign policy and security measures within the USA.
  • The development of the situation and the response of the new administration in the USA towards Ukraine should be closely monitored to assess the potential outcomes.
  • Despite the uncertainty, the United States has a track record of generally upholding long-term agreements regardless of changes in administrations, as highlighted by US national security adviser Jake Sullivan.

The White House cannot protect the security agreement with Ukraine from Trump

I cannot change this inviolable fact. And I will not try to mislead anyone and say as if what is written is carved in stone, - emphasized Sullivan.

He noted that history knows many examples when agreements concluded by one government were canceled by the next government.

At the same time, Sullivan noted that, "according to the available evidence in their totality," the United States usually honors its commitments when concluding long-term agreements "regardless of the change of administrations."

What is known about Trump's threats to cancel aid to Ukraine

Currently, US presidential candidate Donald Trump is threatening American voters with the start of the Third World War.

During his speech at the Turning Point USA pre-election event in Detroit, he said that it was necessary to "save our country."

The most important thing we have to do is to save our country because our country is in trouble. There is a real possibility of the third world war, - says Trump.

In addition, he criticized the amount of aid that the USA provides to Ukraine.

He stated that he is dissatisfied with the support of Ukraine from the US, because it is alleged that Ukraine's requests "never stop".

I think Zelensky is probably the best salesman among all politicians who ever lived. Every time he comes to our country, he leaves with 60 billion dollars... He just left 4 days ago with 60 billion, came home and announces that he needs another 60 billion. It will never end. I will solve this even before I take the White House, - declares Trump.

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