Ukraine and Moldova are negotiating the return of evaders
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Ukraine and Moldova are negotiating the return of evaders

Moldovan border
Source:  Newsmaker

According to the Ambassador of Ukraine to Moldova, Marko Shevchenko, representatives of both countries are currently negotiating the return to Ukraine of citizens of draft age who evade military service.

Points of attention

  • Representatives of Ukraine and Moldova are currently negotiating the return of citizens of draft age who evade military service, presenting a complex challenge to both countries.
  • The situation highlights the need for immediate action to address the mass exodus of Ukrainian men fleeing to Moldova, posing a serious problem that requires urgent solutions.
  • The negotiations reveal the dilemma of citizens who do not wish to return to Ukraine but lack asylum in Moldova, prompting the search for individualized solutions for each case of evader.
  • The lack of exact statistics on the number of evaders and the complex logistics of their return underscore the intricate nature of this diplomatic issue.
  • The Ambassador of Ukraine to Moldova emphasizes the importance of approaching both macro and micro problems in handling the evader situation, urging for practical and sustainable solutions.

What is known about the negotiations between Ukraine and Moldova regarding the return of evaders

According to Shevchenko, Kyiv is currently in dialogue with Chisinau regarding the return of Ukrainians of military age who fled to Moldova and are hiding there.

The ambassador noted that a number of evaders stopped by Moldovan border guards received asylum in this country.

A certain number are still in unclear whereabouts.

Ukraine is negotiating with Moldova regarding the return of evaders
Ukrainian-Moldovan border

They are not detained, they probably either stay in the territory of Moldova or go to other countries. There are no exact statistics on the number of such people. When I talk to my colleagues, I say that if we cannot solve a big problem, it is better to solve smaller ones alone - what to do with people who have been refused asylum by Moldova - emphasized Shevchenko.

How Ukrainian men manage to flee en masse to Moldova

The Ukrainian diplomat emphasized that this situation must be resolved immediately.

This situation shows that there are problems that need to be solved. They do not deserve protection, but at the same time they do not want to return to Ukraine, and no one is forcing them to return. And here such nuances happen quite often. And when I talk to my colleagues, I say that if we can't solve a big problem, let's solve smaller problems separately - what to do with those people who were refused asylum by the government of Moldova, - emphasizes the ambassador of Ukraine to Moldova.

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